New year, new goals and plans. It is very common that, during this period, companies look at their segment in search of actions and trends that can be used internally for better performance and customer attraction, mainly in marketing. In fact, this market analysis is beneficial and important to carry out as a reinforcement to boost the strategies that will be adopted in 2024 – but great caution is needed in this structuring. After all, there are many precautions to be taken so that this direction achieves the expected objectives.

Staying on top of these marketing trends is vital for the growth and prominence of any company, as they will provide the necessary basis for them to understand the needs of their target audience and reinvent themselves in meeting these demands. Especially in the face of a highly globalized market that is constantly guided by technological advances that shape the most diverse sectors.

With this scenario in mind, here are six trends that are gaining more and more strength and that can bring excellent results to make brands stand out:

#1 Artificial intelligence – There is no way we can address this topic without including artificial intelligence. In marketing, this technology is capable of helping companies obtain real-time data about their customers, greatest demands, behaviors, and how to provide more optimized and assertive service based on these preferences. In a study by Hootsuite Social Trends, the expectation is that there will be a 318% increase in the use of AI to support customer needs this year. But, just like any other technology, there must always be trained professionals behind it to handle it and ensure that it continues to operate assertively.

#2 Social networks – the population spends, on average, 36.4% of their daily time on social networks, according to data from eMarketer’s Global Media Intelligence Report. With this in mind, producing authentic and quality content on these channels is an excellent way to establish the brand’s presence online and also strengthen relationships with its customers. However, contrary to what many think, it is not strategic to direct efforts across all platforms. Companies need to understand their persona and identify where they prefer to communicate, so that they can maintain a good relationship with their users there.

#3 Long videos – Video content is increasingly gaining favor among Brazilians. Only in the first half of 2023, as proof of this, data released by the study “Aquarelas de Vídeo do Brasil – Exploring Cross-media Consumption in the Country” identified that this type of advertising reached 99.2% of consumer homes in the country. This year, this is a valuable strategy for companies to invest in, as, in videos of around two to five minutes, they can perfectly explore their products and services in an attractive way to retain users’ attention.

#4 Micro influencers – establishing partnerships with celebrities has always been a common strategy in the market. But, planning actions, specifically, with micro influencers, in addition to being more economically affordable for companies, is a great way to create greater identification between your audience and “more common” people. People like us, who experience our reality. The power of identification can be enormous, in addition to favoring your image and prominence in the segment.

#5 Humanization of content – Even though there are several automated content production technologies, nothing is more efficient than humanization in these texts. The message sent to your consumer, regardless of the channel, needs to have a more colloquial and natural language, and not cold and corporate ones. This strategy will create a more spontaneous dialogue between the parties, also favoring identification with consumers and strengthening the connection for greater brand loyalty.

#6 Creating communities – By 2023, one in five users will join an online community of their favorite brands, according to HubSpot research. In practice, the creation of these groups by a business is extremely advantageous for promoting its products and services to people who are really interested in them, improving the experience of its customers, strengthening relationships and the sense of belonging and, therefore, elevating the conversion of leads and sales. This year, those who invest in this strategy will certainly be able to achieve even greater results.

All of these trends have proven to be highly capable of boosting brands in their segments in recent years and definitely need to be monitored closely this year. However, it is important to emphasize that, in order to obtain these achievements, they need to have a solid foundation behind them, through good planning and basic care that allows the implementation of any of these strategies.

The bread and butter of marketing means having an in-depth study of your target audience, knowing where they prefer to communicate, what their biggest demands are, and providing what is necessary to meet their desires assertively. With this attention, it will be much easier to identify which trend could further boost your business and help it stand out among its competitors this year.

*Letícia Araújo is a marketing and sales consultant, and founder of Escola de Lojistas and LA Consultoria.


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