Disclaimer: This is a paid article, from a third party. Cryptocurrencies are a highly volatile and unregulated investment. Readers should do their own research before taking any action regarding the promoted company or any of its mentioned businesses or services. CryptoBenelux is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with reliance on goods, services or content mentioned in the press release.

Among the plethora of early-stage projects mushrooming as the crypto sector enters a new era of growth, finding a true gem seems like a tough nut to crack. What separates a valuable startup from empty shells is its strong utility, which ensures a stable and predictable growth path under all market conditions. An example of this is CYBRO.

What is CYBRO?

CYBRO is the next-generation DeFi platform that offers the most lucrative and secure earning experience to every investor profile, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Currently, the project is in the pre-sale phase, growing by leaps and bounds even as traditional crypto giants decline. CYBRO has already raised almost $1 million, and there are even rumors that an ETH whale has bagged a hefty scoop of CYBRO tokens, lured by presale benefits.

So why is CYBRO gaining momentum so quickly that even big investors can’t stay aside? Let’s unravel its success secrets.

What does investing in CYBRO presale mean today?

In a short time, CYBRO managed to attract more than 4,000 investors for the token pre-sale, building a vibrant and loyal community from the ground up. As of today, over 25 million CYBRO tokens, priced at just $0.025, have been purchased at an attractive 58% discount. This means that those who buy early will be eligible for an impressive 140% ROI as $CYBRO will appear on exchanges after the TGE with a listing price of $0.06.

CYBRO’s presale supply is limited: At this stage, only 21.5% of the token supply is available for purchase.

Notably, in an effort to empower presale participants and improve their returns, CYBRO has launched a special referral program. It allows a 12% commission on token purchases from direct referees, 3% on second-level referees, and 2% on third-level referees. While all referees will receive double CYBRO points on their first deposit if they use the referral code. The referral program will be active until July 15, with rewards distributed weekly in USDT.

Additionally, those who invest at least $1,000 in CYBRO during the presale will unlock weekly Ethereum (ETH) rewards, which can be withdrawn immediately after the TGE. It’s no surprise that this tempting offer has caught the attention of an ETH whale, who has started collecting CYBRO tokens to secure their stake in this promising project.

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What makes CYBRO a favorite of crypto whales?

CYBRO positions itself as a DeFi revenue aggregator platform, powered by state-of-the-art AI tools. It is built on Blast, the only Layer-2 solution that offers native returns for ETH and stablecoins, helping investors make the most of this blockchain’s unique features. CYBRO drives crypto growth through diverse vault investments within the Blast ecosystem and beyond, encompassing strategies from conservative to high-yield. Think of it as a one-stop marketplace that aggregates the most profitable and secure tools for effortless income in DeFi.

When assessing CYBRO, market researchers highlight several differentiating features and complementary factors that underline the project’s bright prospects:

  • AI-based innovations and intuitive design. CYBRO uses AI to build investor portfolios based on user preferences and risk profiles. It has a simple and transparent interface, supported by seamless crypto purchases and withdrawals. CYBRO’s Roadmap 2024-2025 is in line with its commitment to developing a user-centric platform. Upcoming features include AIBroker, a chatbot for investing in suitable assets, and One-Click Investment, which increases returns through seamless DeFi and CeFi integration.
  • Transparency and robust security measures. CYBRO has undergone two extensive security audits from Assure DeFi and Certik. The latter has awarded CYBRO a security score above 81, placing it in the top 50 most reliable pre-launch projects. Listings on Blast Explorer and CoinGecko have further increased CYBRO’s market visibility. In particular, the team promotes transparency with monthly governance reports and ensures platform integrity through a Bug Bounty program, with a $25,000 reserve for security vulnerability reports.
  • The CYBRO token utility. $CYBRO acts as both the governance and utility token of the parent platform. In addition to making its holders eligible for board votes, $CYBRO unlocks multiple user benefits, such as earning interest by staking and participating in an upcoming airdrop. Other benefits include cashback in $CYBRO for using the platform, discounts on trading and borrowing fees, and access to the insurance program, designed to protect user investments from shortages.
  • Very involved community. CYBRO regularly updates its 15,000-strong fanbase across various social media channels, including X, Discord and Telegram, so users are always aware of upcoming developments and milestones. It also has regular community incentives, giving members the chance to win free tokens. The platform’s tokenomics specifically allocated 5% of the total CYBRO offering of $1 million to reward the most active users.
  • Bullish predictions from experts. The growing optimism surrounding CYBRO also stems from statements of support from leading crypto analysts. Experts predict a staggering 1,200% ROI for $CYBRO, with predictions coming from a genuine belief in the project’s upcoming post-listing boom. As a result, the platform is experiencing an increase in interest and investment.


Scheduled for release in June, CYBRO is poised to make a significant impact in the DeFi space with its advanced AI technologies and user-centric approach. The project has attracted notable attention from an ETH whale, received strong community support, received expert awards, and implemented robust security measures. For investors seeking high growth opportunities, the CYBRO presale offers a unique opportunity for substantial returns, with early adopters potentially benefiting greatly. As always, conduct thorough research and assess your risk tolerance before investing.

Site: https://cybro.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cybro_io
Discord: https://discord.gg/xFMGDQPhrB
Telegram: https://t.me/cybro_io

Disclaimer: This is a paid article, from a third party. Cryptocurrencies are a highly volatile and unregulated investment. Readers should do their own research before taking any action regarding the promoted company or any of its mentioned businesses or services. CryptoBenelux is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused by or in connection with reliance on goods, services or content mentioned in the press release.

Source: https://cryptobenelux.com/2024/06/22/cybro-nadert-mijlpaal-van-1-miljoen-voorverkoop-met-interesse-vanuit-eth-whale-1-200-winst-in-het-verschiet/

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