Launched this Tuesday in France, the neobank Deblock offers a bank account accepting both euros and cryptocurrencies.

The French world of neobanks has a new player. Its nickname: Deblock. Launched by former employees of Revolut and Ledger, Deblock presents itself as the first bank account accepting the deposit and withdrawal of euros as well as cryptocurrencies.

“It is possible to pay for a coffee, receive your salary, buy a car, make a transfer in one click, pay your rent, all in cryptos or euros,” specifies the neobank.

Its uniqueness lies above all in its self-managed portfolio. Unlike other banks, “no one, not even Deblock, has access to the wallet. Users’ digital assets are thus protected, even if Deblock disappears,” assures the company.

Competitive sector

While 12% of French people own cryptocurrencies, Deblock intends to make a name for itself in the banking world by bridging the gap between traditional finance and cryptos.

But it is not the only one in this niche: in 2022, Banque Delubac & Cie became the first French bank to obtain registration at the end of March as a digital asset service provider (PSAN) with the ‘AMF. Likewise, the French subsidiary of the German neobank N26 has recently enabled more than three million French customers to buy and sell more than 200 cryptocurrencies.

Deblock has raised 12 million euros from investors like Hoxton Ventures and Motier Ventures, but also from business angels. The company of 35 employees operates as an electronic money institution (EME) approved by the ACPR and a digital asset service provider (PSAN) registered with the AMF.


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