Much has already been said about the need for a Community Manager Whether or not you have to always be “attentive and alert” to what is happening in the world of Social Media: Is it a 24/7 job? It seems that we are all more or less clear that the ability to react in time, together with an adequate strategy, is one of the main assets we can count on to generate trust and community among users.

That said, it is obvious that we need a good Smartphone o Tablet May it be our unfailing and essential companion to always be connected and always available… A double-edged sword without a doubt.

There are not many companies that understand this concept and therefore provide the Community Manager with this tool, and that is not to mention the Freelancerswhich ends up with thirty thousand accounts spread across various applications…

So today it occurred to me that it would be useful to compile some of the essential and more interesting, besides the obvious ones, of course, like Twitter, Facebook Fan Pages, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. I don’t give you the links because it depends on your device, but they are all easily found in the respective “markets”.

Productivity and organization:

  • Evernote: a classic that improves every day and that little by little will become one of the most useful tools, especially for Freelancers who have more than two or three accounts and need to be as organized as possible. For simple tasks that we always forget, it can be interesting Clear it is included Errands.
  • Producteev It is one of the best applications for task management and integration with calendar, email, etc.
  • Dropbox: to always have everything at hand. I also recommend you Box and of course, Google Drive.
  • Kindle from Amazon, an ebook reader that is more than necessary and recommended.
  • Skype: I am still surprised by how little it is used in Spain, especially on mobile devices, and it is not only useful, but on many occasions an excellent way to save on calls and video conferences.
  • QuickOffice Pro HD, a simple way to have Microsoft Office on your Smartphone, but since it is paid, we can also use other similar free ones, such as Already Office, Text , Google Docs o similar.
  • Wordreferencefor those translations that often resist.
  • WordPressessential to be able to work and publish from anywhere.
  • Spreakerpodcasts so you don’t forget a single detail of an event or a moment of inspiration.
  • Some QR Code reader like Bidi.
  • For traveling Community Managers, I recommend Itinerarya very practical way to plan all your trips.
  • 1Passwordfor easy management of all our passwords.
  • A dictionary is always more than good, so I recommend, of course, the official one. DRAE.
  • For those of you who have an iOS device and want to attach more than one file to your emails, I recommend GroupMail.
  • Teamvieweran application that allows us to connect and control our computer from our mobile.
  • Moneybook y MyPrice They are two useful tools for Freelancers: the first will help you control all your expenses and create your own budget. The second will help you know how much you should charge per hour of work, but remember, no one but you knows what your time costs.
  • Dragon Dictation It is an application that allows you to dictate and switch from voice to text, ideal for writing because we already know that we cannot use our smartphones to write a post for example.
  • For those of you who have an iPad, essential Notes More, With a pen or your finger, you will turn your iPad into a notebook, it even converts manual text into digital handwriting.
  • To scan documents from your smartphone, I propose two applications, one for iOS, WorldScanand another for Android, CamScanner.
  • To control traffic on your blog or Web, Google Analytics if your device is Android, and Analytics Apps (paid) for iOS (if you want to save, download the Chrome and access your Analytics account from it.
  • Radian 6 Mobile, The most powerful monitoring tool, now available for mobile, yes, for those who already have an account.
  • comScore News, to stay up to date with the latest in Social Media statistics and data.

Social Ecosystem Management

  • Hootsuite: necessary and very useful, in addition, with a little trick we can even use it on our iPad as a “hootlet” (here you can see how). The lovers of TweetDeck They also have the mobile version of the application.
  • TweetAlarmto know instantly who is talking about us on Twitter.
  • If we still need more, we can use Twitterrificto improve our segmentation and account management.
  • Social Media Trends, iOS, to know what is happening in the 2.0 world at any time.
  • Seismic– Ideal for managing multiple accounts and updating them. Yoono is another free option for iOS.
  • TwitterRadar o StreamdInto locate tweets in your area.
  • Flipboard, Pulse, Flud, Reed it Later, Feeddler or similar, for comfortable and simple management of RSS.
  • AroundMeto know what is around us: especially for geolocated businesses.
  • IM+ for those of you who need to connect several accounts such as Gtalk, Yahoo, Messenger, ICQ, etc.

Well, these are just a few, and each of us appreciates some more than others, but what we have to be very clear about is that it is not about having applications for the sake of having, that drive us crazy with notifications and so on: it is more comfortable, easy and productive, always try to have everything in one place, as we already know.

I hope it is useful to you, and above all, I hope you comment what others do you use, To expand the list, some basic ones always escape.

Via: Dolores Vela


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