Omnichannel has revolutionized the interaction between companies and consumers. With shopping experiences becoming more fluid, agile, integrated and customized, the customer gains prominence by accessing a brand’s products and services in a simple and secure way across multiple channels.

Being impacted by a message in different media makes the user become more familiar with the communication, until they feel motivated to take action. In addition to increasing brand visibility, there is the sense of urgency that permanent impact ends up creating.

Based on the basic premise that the customer is the central focus of actions, each interaction between consumer and company becomes an opportunity to do business.

Overcoming challenges throughout the model implementation journey requires commitment, engagement and willingness to invest in technology and human resources. A customer-focused approach and a culture of permanent adaptation are essential to the success of the model.

And the customer, always the customer, drives the changes. A recent study with more than 2 thousand people in all regions of the country shows that 3 in 4 consumers consider it important for brands to be omnichannel. According to the survey, conducted by Opinion Box and Bornlogic, 77% of consumers say they have already purchased from different channels of the same brand.

With this in mind, our strategy is always designed and developed to be assertive, both in relation to segmentation and the frequency of ads. In both prospecting and retention, we take every possible care to send the right communication according to the user’s current point in the purchasing cycle.

Such refinements, which combine communication and audience, guarantee the best relationship between the parties and avoid inconvenient and inappropriate communication.

In this journey, the choice of channels and the broadcast date in specific media are strategically planned. Integration between channels guarantees the assertiveness and cadence of communication per consumer, avoiding communication saturation and, consequently, delivering communication at a healthy frequency and the same experience across all channels.

Another fundamental point are the indicators, which go beyond the KPI and help us a lot in making decisions about choosing the channel. Opting for less interruptive channels, testing formats and, above all, analyzing the user experience are essential steps.

We know that, for the success of omnichannel, it is crucial to combine channels with a customizable audience and with others that have a specific audience. Long live diversity to guarantee the delivery of communication to all the audiences we want to reach.

*Lilian VasconcelosDigital Marketing Coordinator at Supergasbras.


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