Los Hashtags are a crucial part of social media marketing strategiesbut it is not enough to use them senselessly since it is necessary to do it in the best possible way based on the possibilities offered by each social network.

Luckily, QuickSprout has compiled a complete infographic What to do and what to avoid when using hashtags on the main social platforms, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Google+.

But before delving into it, the first thing to be clear about is what exactly a hashtag or label. According to the online encyclopedia of knowledge, Wikipedia, it is described as follows: “a string of characters made up of one or more words concatenated and preceded by a pound (#)”. In addition, it allows the grouping of messages with similar hashtags, as well as the electronic search of all messages that contain a certain tag.

So basically they serve to Help people search and find content based on a keyword or phrase.

We begin to break down its use in the different social networks.

1. How to use hashtags on Twitter:

It was on the microblogging social network where the hashtag craze began, and according to Wikipedia, it was Google employee Chris Messina who was the first to use one with this tweet:

You only have to look at Twitter to see how Tweets with hashtags receive double the engagement compared to those who do not have it, but according to statistics it is recommended to use a maximum of two hashtags per tweet:

– Using more than 2 hashtags reduces engagement by 17%.
– Tweets with 1 or 2 hashtags have 21% more engagement.
– Users are 55% more likely to retweet when at least 1 hashtag is included.
– Only 25% of tweets without hashtags are retweeted compared to a 40% retweet rate for those with hashtags.

2. How to use hashtags on Instagram

Instagram is a completely different animal than Twitter when it comes to hashtags. On the photo sharing platform hashatgs are kingand most experienced users use them quite a bit.

In fact, according to Quicksprout’s infographic, Posts with more than 11 hashtags have more engagement. The following graph shows the engagement percentages based on the number of hashtags:

Bottom line: People love following hashtags on Instagram, so don’t hesitate to use them.

3. How to use hashtags on Facebook:

The use of hashtags on Facebook is relatively new, and the truth is that They are not as effective as on Twitter or Instagram. Here is some information:

1-2 Hashtags – 593 average interactions per post
3-5 Hashtags – 416 average interactions per post
6-10 Hashtags – 307 average interactions per post
10+ Hashtags – 188 average interactions per post

For many, hashtags on Facebook seem forced and unnatural. In addition, users do not usually search much based on hashtags on this network, since for most users it is a novelty, so it is recommended to be cautious with the use of hashgtags on Facebook.

4. How to use hashtags on Google+:

Although the use of Google+ has not yet expanded sufficiently, the truth is that publications include hashtags even when the user themselves does not include them:


Although you can edit the hashtags and add your own, it’s clear that Google+ thinks they’re pretty important. In fact, Google+ hashtags can already be found by doing a simple Google search. In addition, you can also add hashtags in the comments of the posts and these will also appear in searches.

In conclusion, hashtags are here to stayso don’t be afraid to use them because they are an excellent method with which you can increase your overall traffic on social media platforms, but do it consistently according to the performance they have on each social network by following the tricks in the following infographic :

ultimate-guide-to-social-media-hashtags-infographic pq

Via: Direct Marketing

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/todo-lo-que-debe-saber-sobre-el-uso-de-los-hashtags.html

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