Creativity has been an increasingly valued and highlighted skill in a world full of information and challenges, especially in areas such as Marketing and Communication. But after all, what does it take to be a creative person? Is it something innate? How can mental health impact this characteristic? How does neuroscience relate to this?

Anyone who believes that only artists and great inventors are creative is mistaken. Neuroscience argues that we all are, just explore this ability without fear of making mistakes. Creativity is linked to the ability to relate existing analogies to each other, in order to generate new meanings and innovative ideas.

The creative brain

Several parts of the brain are responsible for creativity, including the frontal cortex and the hippocampus. The first is considered the area with functions related to memory and planning, while the second is responsible for creating ideas. To cross analogies in the mind, the associative cortex and the prefrontal cortex are used. Therefore, as the organ is crucial to the process, it needs to be healthy and happy.

A creative person’s brain needs to be constantly stimulated and exercised, this can be done through the effort of leaving the comfort zone, cultivating many ideas, recording them, and not stressing so much about the end result. When we are relaxed, the best solutions emerge, have you noticed?

The ability to imagine the future is part of the process of creating ideas, as is the search for many references and repertoire and a life with interactions in the real world. It’s not enough to be stuck in the virtual world to be creative. Getting to know different people and places helps a lot in the creativity process.

A healthy lifestyle is an integral part of the creative mind. Without good physical and mental health, the brain does not work well enough, which can harm the process. Always look for a healthy diet with lots of natural foods, especially those rich in B vitamins, which help in the production of energy in brain cells and improve mood, such as vegetables, dark green leaves, eggs and whole grains. Additionally, add physical exercise to your routine; Get a good night’s sleep and reserve space in your schedule for leisure and leisure, moments of relaxation are essential for a quality life.

A happy, healthy brain is a creative brain. Include the previous tips in your daily habits and don’t forget to follow your Ikigai (Japanese concept that encourages people to find their reason for living to balance their vocation and passions), in the pursuit of a creative life.

*Dr. Sergio Okamoto He is a doctor specializing in Occupational Health and General Superintendent of the Nipo-Brasileiro Hospital. The Nipo-Brazilian Hospital was founded on the 80th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Brazil.


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