We explain how the new Facebook feature works, the story creation and your new camera appnow available to everyone.

Two days ago we told you that Facebook was updating its Android application to include a new camera that would allow us to use masks, stickers and edit photographs in the same way we did on Instagram or WhatsApp.

In addition, a new section appeared called storieswhose content was independent of the Facebook wall and which would have content that would be automatically deleted after 24 hours. We tell you how to get the most out of it.

Activating and using the camera

The first thing we have to do is have the application updated. After making sure of that, we enter it and see that there is a new section at the top, cloned from Instagram, but we are not going to enter it yet.

To start the camera we have to do a left to right swipe gesture anywhere in the application and the new interface will open.

If we click on the top right we return to Facebook and if we slide from top to bottom we can activate the filters that we can use to take photos and videos.


At the bottom we have a star icon that shows us all the available filters, and there are many, one with two arrows that changes from the front camera to the rear camera and one on the right that takes us to the gallery.

In the center of the bottom we have a larger button. If we press once it takes a photo and if we leave it pressed it makes a video.

Editing the photograph

Editing the photograph

When we take a photo we can edit it in many ways in the new interface that opens.

In the upper left part we can flip it vertically, in the lower part activate filters or write text with the tools on the left and we can download it or paint over it with those on the right.

Different ways to share

Different ways to share

Once we have the video or photo made we have to share it. To do this, click on the central arrow of the editing panel and a window will open in which we can choose three options.

  • Publication: It will be published as normal on Facebook.
  • Your history– This is the new section we talked about before. This content will be accessible to people who follow you but will be deleted after 24 hours.
  • Straight: We can send this photo directly to one person or several, simply by selecting them.

These options are not exclusive and we can publish a photo or video in several of them simultaneously.

Friends stories

Friends stories

In the upper area, as we have said, there is now a new section of stories for each person we have on Facebook and it works exactly the same as on Instagram.

If we click on a friend, the publications they have from the last 24 hours will appear since the previous ones will have disappeared. It should be noted that we have to refresh the application for this section to update since it does not do so automatically as happens on the wall.

When we enter one we can publish a reaction, choosing the place where we want to place it and of course the emotion that inspires us.

We will not be able to download photos or videos, although we can take screenshots, so be careful when uploading content or sending it to specific people.

We will have to wait to see the reception of this new function, but if Instagram Stories and Snapchat boast more than 150 million users of these functions on their platforms, it is to be assumed that Facebook, with a current base of 1.8 billion, will greatly exceed that figure. until 10% of its users decide to use it.

Do you find it interesting or are you not going to give it a chance?

Via: The free android

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/como-funciona-historias-de-facebook.html

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