Customer loyalty It is an important task that requires the necessary attention. A loyal customer, therefore satisfied, has incalculable value for the company. Let’s analyze what exactly loyalty means: it means increasing the value of our customers, retaining them.

A company that places value on loyalty in its strategy is betting on quality and not quantity.

Why does a person decide to follow your brand?

Most of your loyal customers follow you because they are interested in your brand and that is why they decide to have you on their timeline. Facebook o Twitter to stay up to date. However, you should not settle for this, you must continue acting so that they remain faithful to you.

What is important to be able to retain your customers?

  • Know your needs: apply the listening technique through monitoring.
  • Stay up to date with your opinions: react quickly in case of complaint or negative comment.
  • Provide value to them: always offer them more than what they expect.

And how do I apply it to social networks?

  1. Creating interesting content. If someone decides to follow your company on social networks, it is because they expect interesting content. Try to be creative, do market research and publish it, videos, infographics, etc.
  2. Talking with your clients, asking their opinion or to participate in a project. Showing our fans that behind the company account there are people concerned about their interests and with whom they can interact is a good way to ensure that these customers are satisfied and that they in turn talk to others about the company. Important: always have the right people to answer and dedicated only to social networks: a Community Manager. It doesn’t work well for the same person (sometimes the businessman himself) to open a Social Media account waiting for fans to start talking…
  3. Providing value. If they follow you on Facebook or in your blog corporate is because they expect added value, for example the evolution of the sector, latest developments in the sector, etc.
  4. Building loyalty in a creative way and not with the typical scorecard. Foursquare It is increasingly a loyalty program choice for many companies. They send information to smartphones wherever people are shopping. This means that not only will the company sending the notification increase its sales, but also the location where the customer is located will benefit from this type of marketing.
  5. Rewarding them for choosing your company and not the competition. Alicia Keys rewards the loyalty of her fans by allowing them to listen to her new album through Facebook, before anyone can even buy it. This is a very attractive interactive experience for fans, but it also allows for promotion in a creative and engaging way.
  6. Have exclusive customer service channels on social networks It is a good way to build loyalty. Satisfied customers will continue with the brand and if you manage it effectively, those who are not satisfied will become satisfied, therefore potentially loyal customers.

In short: you create loyalty by treating people how they want to be treated. Show your customers that you care about what they like and what they don’t.

Can you think of any other way to create loyalty on social networks? Thanks for sharing!

Via: Passionate about Social Networks


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