In a dynamic and innovative scenario, Brazilian retail is constantly evolving, with significant transformations, many technological innovations and changes in consumer behavior. Therefore, to be successful in your actions, you need to be very assertive. Signs of transformations had already been given, but it is essential to follow them in this ecosystem called retail.

In this scenario, I point out five marketing trends that should be more present among retailers in 2024.

1. In-store experience: the key to success

As we move into 2024, customer experience remains at the epicenter of marketing strategies. It is no longer enough to offer products, consumers are looking for a different journey. Personalization, interactivity and convenience become imperative. We are witnessing a transition from simple transactions to immersive and enchanting experiences.

2. Omnichannel communication: a holistic approach

Effective communication remains a critical differentiator. In 2024, those who adopt an integrated omnichannel approach will stand out. The convergence of online and offline channels is no longer an option, but a necessity. Price, product and promotion communication must be cohesive across all touchpoints, creating an engaging and consistent narrative.

3. Technology as an enabler: AI and augmented reality

Technology will continue to be our ally. Artificial intelligence personalizes interactions, augmented reality transforms the way products are viewed and innovative solutions ensure efficient and dynamic price communication.

4. Sustainability and social responsibility: focus on actions

Modern consumers are attentive not only to what they buy, but also to the ethics of brands. In 2024, companies that embrace sustainability and social responsibility will gain customer preference. Marketing strategies must reflect a genuine commitment to the well-being of the planet and community.

5. User-generated content: the voice of consumers

Consumer-generated content will continue to grow in importance. The authenticity and trust associated with user-generated content is invaluable. Incorporating this voice into your marketing strategy creates a powerful emotional connection between the brand and consumers.

The retail scenario in 2024 is very challenging. As we explore these trends, it’s crucial to remember that adaptability is key. At the heart of every marketing strategy must be the willingness to embrace change and continually evolve.

*Vanessa Santini is head of Marketing at Pricefy by Selbetti


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