Not all social networks that coexist in the increasingly competitive 2.0 universe fit like a glove to the brands of all kinds and conditions.

Before jumping into the pool of a specific 2.0 platform, the brands should take the trouble, according to a recent report by the media agency Universal McCann, to answer the following questions:

1. Do you really use my target audience this social network?

2. Do the reasons why people use this fit platform to my brand?

3. Does my content to the specific demands of this social network?

Although it is not equally effective for all brands, Facebook It is perhaps the most democratic 2.0 platform, as it is capable of housing within it a wide spectrum of topics and formats. However, the famous social network, which is very popular as a means of tracking current information (and also opinion), has a special “feeling” with the companies in the finance industrywho can use this platform to disseminate informative content.

Another 2.0 platform is also quite democratic, YouTube, which comes in handy for all those brands interested in conveying certain emotions to the consumer. The famous Google video channel is particularly tailored to the demands of companies operating in the field of automotive, sports, cinema, cosmetics and video games. The main advantage of YouTube? That helps brands connect emotionally with the viewer in an extraordinarily authentic and truthful way.

Much smaller (and also less popular) is Pinterestwhich adapts, however, perfectly to the requirements of certain brands, those that seek to establish contact with women between 25 and 39 years old and who have their focus on topics such as beauty, decoration, DIY, cooking and nutrition.

Quite different in character from Pinterest is Instagram, which is used above all and above all as a vehicle for self-affirmation. This 2.0 platform is especially recommended for brands of the world of fashion and cosmetics and also for all those companies that fly the lifestyle flag. The great competitive advantage of this platform is that it allows brands to present their products and services in an extraordinarily beautiful and flirtatious way.

Via: Direct Marketing


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