If you’re tired of Instagram or are worried about your privacy and the exposure of your personal data, know that it’s easy to delete your profile from the photo-sharing network.

If you just want to ‘take a break’ from the network, it is recommended to deactivate the profile. This is because it is possible to get back with him after a while. But if your decision is to permanently delete your account, we also have a solution. Follow the step by step!

Step by step on how to delete your Instagram account

By performing the actions below you will delete your Instagram profile permanently. In other words, it is not possible to undo and recover the account after a period stipulated by the social network. So, think carefully!

Not computer

1. Access the Instagram account deletion page and, if you are not logged in, go to your profile;

2. Justify the deletion by answering the question “Why are you deleting your account?” with the following alternatives;

3. Enter your Instagram password to confirm the request and click “Permanently delete my account” at the bottom of the page – this process is not reversible.

When you permanently delete your account, all of your photos, interactions with other users, and followers are lost and cannot be recovered. Additionally, you cannot use the same username if you decide to make a new account after deletion.

Not cellular

1. Open the app and, if you are not logged in, log in;

2. Go to your profile tab and click on the three little lines, positioned in the top right corner of the screen;

3. On the page that appears, choose the “Settings” menu;

4. Select the “Account” option;

5. Then choose “Delete account”;

6. Again, click on “Delete account” and then do the same process described in deleting an account from your computer.

Step by step on how to deactivate your Instagram account

Now, if you just want to breathe for a few days and then get back to activity on the photo and video network, it is possible to deactivate the account and reverse the action whenever you want. Check out:

Not computer

1. Using your internet browser, access Instagram.com, then enter your username and password;

2. Then, access your profile by clicking on your photo or on the icon located in the right corner. Then click on “Edit profile” (next to your username);

3. Then, scroll down to find the option “Temporarily deactivate my account”;

4. Choose one of the reasons why you are deactivating your account, enter your password again to confirm the process and click “Temporarily deactivate account”.

Not cellular

1. Log in to your profile, click on the three lines in the top right corner and choose “Settings”;

2. Just like the process of deleting your account via cell phone, already mentioned above, click on “Account” and then on “Delete account”;

3. Now, choose the “Deactivate account” option;

4. Choose the reason for the action and write your password to finish.

When you deactivate your account, your photos, videos and likes will be hidden. To reactivate it, simply log in through the Instagram app or website.

In how many days is the Instagram account deleted?

Within 30 days of the permanent deletion actions. Therefore, avoid logging into your account during this period if the idea is to leave the network aside.

Remember if: it is not possible to recover the account after that, which includes photos, videos, messages and any activity done on the platform.

I can’t delete my Instagram account, why?

Some reasons may make it difficult to deactivate or delete your profile on the social network. If Instagram has verified suspicious activity on your account, the deletion process may be “down” for a while. This protects hacked accounts from being disabled due to malicious acts.

If your profile is for professional use, the process may be a little more severe. After all, because it is work, the platform includes extra steps that help with account security. Furthermore, if there are actions to be completed – such as Ad campaigns running –, deactivation will only be done after the pending issues are resolved.

I don’t remember my Instagram password, can I delete the social network?

No, you need to know your profile password to delete it. Therefore, carry out the Instagram account recovery procedure through Meta. Not to mention that if you have set Two-Factor Authentication, you will need to have access to the authentication code.

My account is blocked on Instagram, can I deactivate it?

Neither. As well as when there are pending issues to be completed on the Instagram account, the deletion cannot be successful. Our advice is that you can recover your profile first, especially by contacting Meta Help.

Was the tutorial useful? For other content like this, just keep an eye on the portal here. Take the opportunity to find out if it is possible to view Insta Stories anonymously. To the next!

Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/redes-sociais/138347-deletar-desativar-perfil-instagram.htm

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