It’s the final stretch of 2023, Christmas decorations already dominate retail spaces around the world and three super strategic dates for retail are knocking on the door: Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday and Christmas. But what do they have in common? They are responsible for accelerating sales in different sectors and mean that campaigns have to reinvent themselves year after year.

According to a survey carried out by Google, more than 67% of Brazilians intend to shop on Black Friday in Brazil on November 24th, of this total, 70% intend to spend more than in 2022. Still according to this same survey, the searches generated by online consumers indicate that shopping starts on Black Friday and extends between Cyber ​​Monday, payment of the 13th salary, Christmas, Sales and New Year. So, how to target this consumer who already has the culture of researching to purchase?

The market, which predicts more than 15 billion reais in sales on Black Friday alone (Data from Abecs – Brazilian Association of Credit Card and Services Companies), needs to have its radar on to avoid slipping into deceptive strategies. In this aspect, considering the customer experience (CX) is essential.

Analysis of consumer behavior data suggests that marketing campaigns launched days before Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday have more impact than those released on the day itself, nothing new so far, right? The difference is that 2023 could be the turning point for dates that have not had great sales success in the last two years.

This is because this year consumers are more confident and intend to spend more than in previous years, according to Datafolha research. Therefore, aggressive offers are crucial, they are what can build customer loyalty and make them an asset to retailers. Furthermore, it is essential to create an omnichannel experience, as these consumers move between online and offline.

Brazil is among the countries that invest the most in loyalty programs with a satisfaction rate of 46%, one of the highest in the world. According to The Loyalty Report 2023, consumers are more likely to align and build relationships with brands with which they share similar values.

Many loyalty programs have not yet incorporated values-based mechanisms into their experience, but the desire for programs that demonstrate alignment between member value and brand value is an opportunity for business results.

Therefore, when customer interaction promotes constant participation and establishes deeper connections, loyalty emerges as a direct consequence. We believe that loyalty goes beyond the simple purchase transaction and goes beyond the mechanics of reward points. Those who buy and leave satisfied on Black Friday will buy again at Christmas, everything depends on the success of the customer retention strategy.

Here at Roda Trade, our working intelligence is circular, we identify the customer’s pain and outline the best strategy in a personalized way. This makes B2B and B2C projects beneficial for everyone involved, from end to end.

*Tati Wong is executive director of Roda Trade, data and relationship marketing agency at Holding Clube. With a history of more than 20 years in the experience market, the executive, who has a postgraduate degree and is a communications specialist, focuses her position on executing loyalty, incentive, promotion and CRM projects.


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