As far as Social Media is concerned, The published content is as important as the image that accompanies it. Images on social networks visually define who you are and what you want to convey to your followers. Therefore, it is essential that you choose them carefully and with affection and, above all, that You optimize them based on the social network where you publish them.

A very common failure is that images published on social networks appear pixelated, considering that Facebook and Twitter always compress the images (always try to upload them in png). To help you in this task we have updated the Recommended sizes that your images should have on the different social networks.


  • Profile photo: 180 x 180
  • Cover Photo: 820 x 312 Mobile: 640 x 360 (FYI)
  • Video Post: 1280 x 7230
  • Story: 1080 x 1920
  • Event Image: 1920 x 1080
  • Facebook Link: 1200 x 628
  • Photo post (square): 1200 x 1200
  • Photo post (horizontal): 1200 x 636

The sizes of the images you publish on Facebook are the most complex or, at least, those that are least usually optimized, since they depend on the format of the post (if it is a post with a link or with an image). The same does not happen with the cover and profile photos, whose size is known to everyone.


  • Profile photo: 400 x 400
  • Header Photo: 1500 x 500
  • Video post (square): 1200 x 1200
  • Video post (horizontal): 1920 x 1200
  • Video post (vertical): 1200 x 1920
  • Post image: 1200 x 600
  • Imagen de card: 800 x 418

A tweet with an image has 5 times more likely to be retweeted. You should not miss the opportunity to visually support your content for greater dissemination. It has been proven that the images on Twitter that work best are those that are 1024 x 512px.


Personal Pages:

  • Profile photo: 400 x 400
  • Header: 1584 x 396

Company Pages:

  • Logo: 300 x 300
  • Header: 1128 x 191
  • Images with promoted content: 1200 x 628

Videos and images:

  • Video post (max): 4096 x 2304
  • Square image: 1200 x 1200

The professional social network par excellence gives less prominence to visual content and allows for less customization. You should also take into account the recommended sizes for each of the pieces of content on your company page.


  • Profile photo: 165 x 165
  • Pin Image: 1000 x 1500
  • Header image: 800 x 450
  • Board cover: 222 x 150

In a network as visual as this, you can’t ignore the images that make up your page. Think about everything: from the profile photo, to the thumbnail of your dashboard and the size of your pins).


We all know the simplicity of Instagram, and this may be the reason for its success. What you should know is that although your images are viewed at a size of 600 x 600 px, it is recommended to upload them to 1080 x 1080 px.

  • Profile photo: 180 x 180
  • Square image: 1080 x 1080
  • Horizontal image: 1080 x 566
  • Imagen vertical: 1080 x 1350
  • Story: 1080 x 1920
  • Square video: 1080 x 1080
  • Horizontal video: 1080 x 608
  • Vertical video: 1080 x 1350
  • Reels (and also IGTV): 1080×1920

If your photo is horizontal you can upload it at 1080 x 566 px, although Instagram will show it at 600 x 400 px. And if it is vertical you can upload it to 1080 x 1350 px, and it will be displayed at 600 x 749 px.


  • Profile image: 800 x 800
  • Header image: 2560 x 1440
  • Video: 1920 x 1080
  • Video thumbnail: 1280 x 720

On YouTube you can also customize the cover image. For it you should opt for a fairly large size (2560×1440px). It will not pixelate if your channel is viewed on a large screen (for example, a Smart TV).


  • Profile photo: 200 x 200
  • Videos: 1080 x 1920
  • Feed ad image: 1200 x 628
  • Ad video for feed (vertical): 720 x 1280
  • Ad video for feed (square): 640 x 640
  • Ad video for feed (horizontal): 1280 x 720

TikTok is one of the social networks that more importance given to visual content. It is totally designed to be used on mobile devices, so if you are going to start generating content for this social network, always remember to record with your mobile in a vertical position (this way you take advantage of a large part of the phone screen).


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