Now that we are there and we know well what Twitter is and since we also know why the biography on Twitter is of vital importance, it is time to know what a good biography should contain so that simply with it, without anyone reading your tweets, it is of interest and start following you.

1. It must be descriptive: It should tell things about you, it is advisable to use short words but they perfectly define what you want, this way, you will be able to say more things about yourself and what you want to show to others.

You have to try to give as much information as possible in just 160 characters, therefore, they summarize very well the ideas you want to convey. In my biography I define myself as a Madridista, Spanish and Catholic.

2. Show your interests: Apart from describing you, it should show your interests, one thing is who you are and quite another is what you like to do or read on your TimeLine.

In my case, I have described myself as a Madridista, Spanish and Catholic but my interests and the biggest target to which I dedicate myself is Social Media, therefore, part of my biography is dedicated to it.

3. Tell what you do: Inform what you do, what activities you do, especially if you have an important position or position in a reputable organization or company, this will give you a competitive advantage over other Twitter users. If, as is normal, you do not have a high position in any important entity, show some activity you carry out.

I am dedicated to studying Business Administration and Management but I am also a Blogger – or at least I try to.

4. Enter your place of residence: Add your country and city of residence, it is not to give clues to cybercriminals or cyberstalkers but it is advisable to enter it since you can get invitations that can help you in your professional career.

5. Place to access more information about you: Many times the biography falls short of providing information about ourselves, therefore, on the website you must add a space where the reader can find more information about you, whether it is a blog or a microsite.

If you do this, you will be able to attract the attention of the people who read your biography, all that remains is for the followers to start arriving.

And how do you make your biography good?


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