In this article we will answer the question of how to make money on TikTok. And, although we love spending time consuming short videos, you can also monetize your account as a content creator.

Here we summarize the most effective ways to make money with TikTok according to our experience and knowledge, since We have specialists in social networks and who know this topic first hand:

How many followers do you have to have on TikTok to make money?

Although one of the most frequently asked questions is how much TikTok pays, the first step is to discover if there are some minimum requirements to start monetizing our accounts.

The first thing you should know is that you will earn income thanks to the TikTok Creators Fund. This is a fund of 70 million dollars, which will be distributed among the creators who comply with these requirements:

  • Be a resident of Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, or Italy.
  • Do not violate TikTok’s community standards, thus having an account free of violations.
  • Being over 18 years.
  • Have a minimum of 10,000 followers
  • Have a minimum of 100,000 views on your videos in the last 30 days

Therefore, we can conclude that yes, you need 10,000 followers to make money on TikTok with the visits you have on your videos.

If you meet the requirements and have a personal account, you can access the TikTok Creator Fund from Profile > Menu > Creator Tools > Creator Background.

If you have a professional account, to change it to a personal account you must enter Profile > Menu > Settings and Privacy > Manage account > Switch to personal account.

Finally, if you submit your application and it is denied, you can try again in the next 30 days.

Earn money on TikTok by watching videos

Thanks to the functionality of TikTok Bonus It is possible to earn money on TikTok by inviting your friends and, when they watch a certain number of videos, you will receive a financial reward.

It is important to mention that those people you invite must not have been previously registered on TikTok. Only new registered users will count.

To access this function you must click on the coin icon which will sometimes appear in your account, or on your Profile page.

There a new tab will open with your link to invite your friends, as well as the amount of money you will earn depending on the number of videos consumed by the people you invite.

How to make money with TikTok LIVE

By broadcasting live you can earn money in two different ways: on the one hand, with the gifts that viewers send you such as Diamonds, or by getting people to pay to subscribe to your community.

LIVE Gifts

Los LIVE Gifts are a feature that allows viewers to show their appreciation in real time during your live broadcasts.

Among these gifts are Diamondsthat you can redeem for real money at the end of your live (Diamonds are the only Reward that you can redeem for money). You can see the total number of Diamonds you have received during the broadcast in the Summary of your transmission.

Diamonds en TikTok Live

We insist that Diamonds can be exchanged for real money payments or virtual elements, depending on the creator’s preferences. The amount of money received for the number of Diamonds will vary depending on the creator and stream.

On the other hand, viewers who want to donate Diamonds to you must buy Coins in advance with their money, so if someone sends them to you it would be nice to thank them for those donations.

Get Coins on TikTokGet Coins on TikTok

As you can see, they are a way of thanking the content you are uploading, so in any case we recommend that you always thank your community for the support they are offering you.

LIVE Subscription

LIVE TikTok Subscription

The LIVE subscription Allow your followers to subscribe to your account in exchange for an economic amount, and thus obtain certain benefits such as:

  • Get exclusive badges for your profile. When they comment to you, this badge will be displayed next to their username.
  • Use exclusive emoticons during live shows. They will be able to use them during the LIVE broadcasts you make, although remember that you are the one who uploads the personalized emoticons, so your followers will surely appreciate that you upload a wide variety.
  • Chat for subscribers only. You can select that, when broadcasting a live broadcast, only subscribers in your community can write. This way you will get closer to them, and they will feel privileged to be able to participate during your LIVEs by commenting in the chat.

It should be noted that there are certain requirements to enable the subscription option for your account, and they are being over 18 years old, complying with the TikTok community rules, as well as have at least 1,000 followers.

How TikTok rewards work

We have previously commented that, during live broadcasts, users They can send you Rewards like Diamonds (which you can later redeem for real money).

However, there are other Rewards beyond Diamonds that you will not be able to redeem for money, such as products or visuals. So, The only reward that will make you earn real money is Diamonds.

It should be noted that the amount of money you can withdraw for the Diamonds donated to you may vary. But, in any case, before doing so you will see the total amount you will receive.

Finally, you should know that whenever you redeem your Diamonds for real money, both TikTok and the payment platform will take a commission for the change:

  • If you select PayPal as payment method: commission of 1.5% of the amount + $0.10. You need to accumulate a minimum of $1 to get the money this way.
  • If you select the option of wire transfer: commission of $2.90. You need to accumulate a minimum of $9 for the United Kingdom or Germany, and $4 in the case of France or Sweden.

Brand-sponsored content

TikTok Creator MarketplaceTikTok Creator Marketplace

TikTok has launched its own platform, TikTok Creator Marketplacefrom which you can get in touch with brands related to your sector to reach economic agreements with them.

For example, if you report on electric car news on your account, an electric car brand might be interested in having you mention it in one of your videos in exchange for money.

It is precisely with this objective of connecting creators and brands that TikTok Creator Marketplace was born, although you can also reach agreements with brands by contacting them directly, or by having them write to you interested in sponsoring your content.

Affiliate systems

An affiliate system consists of promoting a product or service in exchange for receive a commission for each sale you generate.

Normally these sales are accounted for using a affiliate link. That is, the company will provide you with an exclusive URL through which, for each person who buys through it, you will receive the commission.

The percentage of profit per sale will vary depending on the agreement, but in Amazon Affiliates We find an average percentage of 2% per sale. However, we recommend that you contact other brands directly in case the commission may be higher (between 10% and 20% would be a good profit percentage).

To achieve greater effectiveness, We recommend that you put the affiliate link in your profileso that it is easily accessible and you can derive more sales.

Direct sells

Last but not least, we find the direct sales that you generate through your content. And, by maximizing your online visibility, it is normal for them to reach customers interested in your services, or sales in your online store.

We know of very diverse cases: from chefs who order home-delivered meals that they loved the videos, to psychologists who accept online sessions with some of their followers because they trust them after watching their content.

Furthermore, opportunities in this sense will come by themselves. There are numerous ways to take advantage of strengthening your corporate or personal brand:

  • To publish a book.
  • Sell ​​merchandising such as t-shirts or caps.
  • Offer training services to companies or individuals.
  • Maximize your eCommerce sales thanks to the visits that come from your profile.

For us, these are the most effective ways to make money on TikTok. And for you, which ones have worked best for you? We read you in comments!


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