Online entrepreneur, this is the post you are interested in finishing reading. I am going to recommend some practical tips that will give you many ideas of what changes you have to make to optimize the conversion of your website or blog.

Let’s start quickly with the topic:

How to optimize conversions on your website

Immerse yourself in your user’s needs

As I have mentioned in other posts, describe your business, product or service in more than a thousand ways, but write for real people, but do it by writing words that the different types of users on the Internet would use.

Check if your most important posts adapt to the preferences of your users.

Always remember that each click on a link represents a question that they expect an answer to.

Elevate your value proposition

You should always ask yourself this question to increase the conversion rate of your site. Why should I enter here and not another website?

Both your website and the pages and ads of your campaigns must answer this question very clearly. This should be your value proposition, a phrase that should be able to immediately create a feeling of desire for what you offer.

Make a list of the value propositions of your main competitors and compare them with that of your website.

Reduce the complexity of interaction on your site

We have become an online world, web business, etc. And in this new world there are some rules/habits/critical points that make it difficult for an interaction to take place inside or outside of cyberspace.

Some factors complicate our ability to perform an interaction to convert within the website:

  • Need: An optimal interaction that does not require maintenance is easier. Since you interact with a salesperson when you want to buy a car or a house, this involves more work. The seller solves this by creating information entries that can answer your questions and then satisfy your needs.
  • Risk: There are interactions in which the fear factor rises even higher, due to the fear of losing much more than what is gained. This is solved by adding messages and elements that give confidence and guarantees.
  • Knowledge: There are products or services that are very complex to explain. Above all, they are very technical or specialized products or services. Provides training and support materials.

Classify your website intuitively

When categorizing the sections of your website, think about all the possible ways they could find each topic. This will broaden the user’s vision to find what they are looking for. Does your website contemplate this situation?

A category is a reference for your different users and should be a good entry point that distributes traffic.

You must learn to guide both users who do not know what information they are looking for and those who do.

Make your website easy to use

When you create your website, don’t do it with the idea that you must like it more than others. “No” erases that idea…

On a user-friendly website, the user must be able to interact successfully on your website. There should be no obstacles in your way.

You should worry about having an intuitive and accessible Website. If a user intends to do something, he can do it without thinking.

Use a design that is attractive to your user

The first image on your Website says a lot about your business.

On the Internet, your website is the image of your business in the digital age. It is your showcase on the internet. You must make sure that the visual design of your website represents what you really want your business to represent.

Your content must provide true value to your user
Put yourself in the shoes of your users who use your website’s internal search engine. If you don’t have it, place one…

The words or phrases they use in the internal search engine can be as normal and not as technical as you expect.

Perform the same search on Google for the terms and think objectively if the result is what you expected from the user’s point of view. And if this is not the case, make a content adjustment and everything that is necessary to make them more relevant just as they do in the competition.

If you don’t know how to use content marketing, you can hire someone to help you,like me for example. Let it help you create content for each section of your website.

Use a really strong call to actionIf you don’t have a call to action, go to your website and put one up!

Always use imperative verbs, place it in an area that is visible, check its shape, see if it looks clickable without going over it, use attractive, strong colors.

If you don’t have a template or don’t know how to layout a button well, try placing a phrase with the previous characteristics and linking to where you want to direct the user.

Now it’s your turn to experiment with the content of your site, try templates, phrases, shapes, colors, etc… simply observe every detail of your website and always ask for a second opinion and sometimes even a third.

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Via: Leo Priego


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