Facebook pages include a rating expressed in stars under their name or header.

At first it was only displayed on hotel and tourist destination pages, but it has finally been implemented for all sectors.

Although it seems that a priori we do not give much importance to this detail, the truth is that when we enter a company page with a five-star rating, we immediately think that the content must be interesting, because users are evaluating it positively. Therefore, it is easier for the page to catch our attention, let us see the content and, if it really convinces us, we end up clicking “Like”.

But, How can we get our page to also include these stars? The process is very easy, we just have to follow these steps:

  • We enter “Edit the page” from the page manager.
  • Next, click “Edit settings” and select “Page information” at the top.
  • In “Category” we choose “Company in the area and Local Business”.
  • In “Subcategory” we define what our specialty is.
  • The next step will be to include a postal address, the district code and a landline or mobile phone.

We save the data and, when we enter again, a new box called “Opinions”.

Don’t be scared if the stars don’t appear at first, as they won’t show up on our profile until several users have rated the page. Therefore, We have to inform and invite our community to give their opinion.

To do this, we will share an update on the same page and we will draw the attention of users, telling them that they can now give their opinion and that their comments will help us, which is strictly true, since in addition to positive comments, there will be those who give us ideas for improve or they will inform us of what they do not like and we can change or expand information, so that the content we share is more interesting for everyone.

We can also share the link to our page through Twitter, Google+ or Linkedin to achieve a larger audience and make it known to those who do not yet know its existence.

Once users start leaving their tips and opinions and rating stars (they can choose between 1 and 5), these will be activated in our profile, under the title of our page.

If users rate us with a 5, the page will show five stars and will also appear highlighted in numerical figure with a 5, but you have to be prepared, because if someone scores below out of 5Facebook will leave us with tenths.

To maintain the page’s score, the number of interactions we have on the pages is also important. posts that we share, since the more movement we have, the more importance Facebook will give to showing it (edgerank) and will directly affect the maintenance of the overall score.

Include in our fan page The postal address is very effective, not only to get the stars, but also to have our establishment or company geolocated.

If we also sell products or services, there is nothing better than providing our information so that whoever visits us can contact us professionally.

As we have seen, adding stars to our fan page It is a very simple process, which will surely help us to give greater value to the page and receive those opinions that can be very useful to continue growing, improve our image and achieve greater links and interaction with users.

Via: contunegocio.es

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/como-poner-las-estrellas-en-nuestra-pagina-de-facebook.html

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