Since the start of the presidential campaign, the former American president has made numerous statements in favor of the crypto ecosystem.

One more statement in favor of the crypto industry. The sector is “leaving the United States because of the hostility towards it. We are going to stop that because I don’t want it to happen,” said Donald Trump during the “Trump Cards NFT Gala”, a dinner in the presence of holders from its collection of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). The former US president also said he was in favor of donating cryptocurrencies to finance his electoral campaign.

In March, when bitcoin hit $73,000, Donald Trump declared that bitcoin was a “additional form of currency.” “I see more and more people who want to pay in bitcoins, and that’s something interesting. So I can live with it one way or another,” he said. The latter, however, still expresses its preference vis-à-vis the American dollar, calling for regulation of the sector.

A change of position

In a few years, Donald Trump has changed his position regarding cryptocurrencies. In 2019, he stated that he was not a “fan” of bitcoin due to its volatility. He even called the queen of cryptocurrencies a scam in 2021, after El Salvador adopted it as legal tender.

“Donald Trump appears to be pro-crypto, but he is much less so than that. We see a change in Donald Trump’s position on cryptos, it is a change which makes him advance electorally and financially”, Claire Balva, director of strategy at Deblock, said on Friday on BFM Crypto.

“With this position, he opposes (Joe) Biden (the current president of the United States, Editor’s note) on cryptos, because they are two political opponents in the end. I am not sure that he really has any very strong beliefs about cryptos,” said the cryptocurrency expert.

Donald Trump already has one foot in the crypto universe, since he put up for sale several NFT collections (non-fungible tokens) in his likeness, offering for example to its buyers the opportunity to participate in certain events in his presence or to receive a piece of the costume he wore on August 24 when he completed a brief stint in a prison in Atlanta, Georgia.


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