The country considered that safeguarding the general interest took precedence over the interests of the company.

Hard blow for Worldcoin. The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) decided on Tuesday June 4 to suspend the activities of the company issuing the token in the country for at least three months. For its part, Worldcoin says it has “voluntarily offered to extend the pause of Worldcoin operations in Spain”.

This precautionary measure, provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to protect the rights and freedoms of interested parties, was approved by the Spanish National Court, which considered that “the safeguard of the general interest, which consists of protecting the right to protection of personal data of the persons concerned, took precedence over the particular interest of a company”.

Worldcoin offers, in exchange for a scan of the iris of the eyes for a few seconds, to obtain a digital passport (“Word ID”) allowing you to prove in an unfalsifiable way that you are indeed a human being. Along the way, the user who agrees to be scanned receives cryptocurrencies (the “wordcoin” token, WLD).

“Inaccurate and misleading claims”

This is the absence of age verification, the deletion of old iris codes by transforming them using a secure multi-party calculation system, the optional non-verification of the World ID of the site and the possibility of deleting codes of irises which are involved in this ban.

Following this interim measure imposed by Spain, Tools for Humanity Corporation (the company that issues Worldcoin), stated that it was “regrettable that the Spanish data protection authority circumvents the procedures established under of the GDPR with its current actions, which are limited to Spain and not to the EU as a whole”. Before concluding :

“It is also unfortunate that they are spreading inaccurate and misleading claims about our technology globally after our efforts to provide them with an accurate view of Worldcoin and World ID went unanswered for months.”

Worldcoin is therefore not ready to return to Spain at the moment.


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