How to create valuable content

The creation of content is based on a deep understanding of the needs and challenges of the target audience.

We must start with Identify key issues facing business customersin order to develop content that is relevant to our target.

It is essential to use clear and accessible language to ensure that our audience understands and connects with said content.

In fact, originality plays a crucial role; The content must stand out from the saturation of the marketoffering unique perspectives and innovative solutions that haven’t been presented at other companies (or, at least, told differently).

Remember that if you are not the first to talk about something, you will have to be different to differentiate yourself.

Distribution strategies

Distribution is essential to maximize the impact of valuable content, and that is There is no point in creating the best content if you don’t make it known later..

It would be interesting have a presence on various platforms and channelsfrom social networks to newsletters and strategic collaborations, allowing us to significantly amplify the reach of our publications.

Regarding the personalization of content, it should be adapted according to the channel and adaptation to the audience’s preferences guarantee effective distribution.

Collaborations and synergies with other players in the sector can also increase the visibility and credibility of the content (for example, through interviews or guest posts), although you have other options such as the following:

  1. Social networks: uses platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter (X) and Facebook to share content.
  2. Newsletters: Send regular emails with relevant content to subscribers.
  3. Strategic collaborations: Partner with other companies to amplify the reach of your content.
  4. Adverts: Use digital advertising to reach specific audiences in Google Ads or Meta Ads.
  5. Events and conferences: participates in sector events, either as a speaker or networking as an attendee.
  6. Groups: Join and share content in communities related to your industry, such as WhatsApp or Telegram, or even online forums.
  7. Publications in specialized media: Collaborate with specialized magazines and websites to expand your visibility.

Measurement and adjustments

Analytics plays a crucial role in the continuous optimization of content strategies.

Monitoring relevant metrics such as interaction, lead generation and conversion rate would be interesting to have updated data on the performance of your publications. For this, tools like Hubspot are especially useful in terms of data processing.

Based on this data, you must have a high response capacity so that the strategy evolves effectively, meeting all the business objectives associated with them.

Among the most popular metrics to analyze in our B2B content, we find:

  • Lead generation: evaluates how many new sales or registrations are generated through the content.
  • Conversion rate: Analyzes how many users become customers.
  • Reach on social networks: quantifies the audience reached through social networks.
  • Residence time: measures how much time users spend consuming the content, or whether they are recurring.
  • Comments and feedback: Evaluate the comments you receive from your website, online store or on social networks.
  • Search engine positioning (SEO)– Monitors the visibility of content in search results. For this, you can use free SEO tools such as Search Console, to find out if they rank in Google and get visits from the search engine.


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