Los Hashtags are a key tool for get more visibility, increase your reach and create successful campaigns.

Choosing a hashtag does not consist of randomly selecting some words, but of Strategically choose the words according to your campaign to achieve the final objectives.

Creating a hashtag is not easy nor is it easy to monitor it, that is why we have selected a series of tools that will help you monitor a hashtagboth on Twitter and Instagram.


With Tagdef you will identify the most viral hashtags and it will help you know the meaning of all of them. Type the words in the search box and all the results for that hashtag will appear.

Tweet Archivist

With Tweet Archivist you will be able to see the reach that a hashtag has had during a specific period of time, in the form of very visual graphs. You will have the option to download the data for yourself, in .csv or pdf format.


Hashtracking offers you tables, graphs, tweets and retweets, reach or impressions of the hashtag you are looking for. It is one of the most complete tools for analyzing hashtags. You will be able to see information about your Instagram posts or retweets and mentions on Twitter, how many users have used a hashtag or compare them.


On Hashtag.org you will see all kinds of analytics on the most used hashtags in the last 24 hours. In addition to offering you the most popular hashtags, you will also be able to see what type of users use them.


In the free version of Hashtagify you can analyze related hashtags, the 6 most influential users, the variations of use of that hashtag and a list of the latest tweets or most popular posts where it was used. This tool can only be used on Twitter.

TweetReach (Union Metrics)

With TweetReach you will get data on the reach of the last 50 tweets where your hashtag was used in the free version. In the paid mode, you can monitor your Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr accounts in real time.

Rite tag

Ritetag will help you choose the best hashtags for your tweets and which ones are the most viral. Additionally, this tool allows you to add the extension to your search engine. RiteTag to schedule your tweets or choose the best hashtag. Simple and fast.

Tweet Binder

Enter the term you are looking for in the Tweet Binder search engine and it will give you the last 2000 tweets that have used that hashtagother related hashtags and useful statistics for monitoring.


Tweet-Tag fetches old tweets (up to 1,500 tweets) and all tweets that occur up to the indicated date and time. If you keep your browser open, with your monitoring, you will observe the evolution in real time. Very useful tool for Twitter.


Tagboard allows you see all the conversations that are generated around your hashtag on Facebook and Twitter. Measure reach when we don’t have much budget for our campaigns.


Brand24 is a tool that allows you search, follow and monitor hashtags. It will help you find new influencers, measure the reach of all your social networks and automatically count the number of posts for a specific hashtag.

Trends Maps

If you want an easy and simple tool to use to see hashtags in real time, that is Trend Maps. The main function of this tool is Geolocate hashtags and trending topics in real time in the form of a world map. It can be of great help to assess the demand for hashtags according to the area or if you are doing some type of marketing study.

Source: https://www.40defiebre.com/herramientas-monitorizacion-hashtags

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