The countries with the most cryptocurrency holders (as a proportion of population) are the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Turkey.

562 million. This is the number of people in the world who own cryptocurrencies in 2024. A figure which represents 6.8% of the world population. According to a Triple A report, entitled “The State of Global Cryptocurrency Ownership in 2024” and published on May 24, the number of holders increased by 33% compared to 2023 (420 million people held cryptocurrencies). cryptocurrencies last year).

In detail, it is Asia which welcomes the most “cryptocurrency owners” in 2024 with 326.8 million holders, a figure increasing by 21.8% compared to last year (268.2 million in 2023), followed by North America (72.2 million crypto holders) and South America (55.2 million holders). In Europe, 49.2 million people will own cryptocurrencies in 2024, a figure increasing by 60% compared to 2023.

The countries with the most cryptocurrency holders (as a proportion of population) are the United Arab Emirates (25.3% of population), Singapore (24.4% of population) and Turkey (19.3% ). On the European side, Switzerland is in the lead (with 11.5% of the population holding cryptos). However, the report does not mention France (which, according to another study carried out by Adan, has 12% of crypto holders).

Also note the high proportion, in the Triple A report, of cryptocurrency holders in countries marked by inflation such as Argentina (18.9%).

Young people more turned towards cryptocurrencies

The typical profile of cryptocurrency holders is young (34% of them are between 25 and 34 years old) and mostly male (61%). If 40% of male owners are aged 25 to 44, 8% of those under 24 also own them. As for women, those holding the most cryptocurrencies are aged 25 to 44 (26%).

This report shows the democratization of cryptocurrencies around the world. Out of 7,000 participants surveyed in seven countries (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, United States, Hong Kong, Canada and United Arab Emirates) in 2023, 56% of respondents want more stores to accept cryptocurrencies.


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