If 7% of Americans hold cryptocurrencies, the French are a little more numerous now.

The French are now more turned towards cryptocurrencies than the Americans. And the shift took place in 2023. This is what emerges from the analysis of two annual studies, each published separately by Adan (the association for the development of digital assets) and the American Federal Reserve (the central bank of the United States).

On the French side, according to the latest Adan study, carried out in partnership with KPMG and the Ipsos polling institute and published in March 2024, “12% of French people (aged 18 and over, Editor’s note) own cryptocurrencies” early 2024 (date on which the survey was done).

A figure increasing by more than 28% compared to 2023 (9.4%). This would represent 6.5 million people. And if we only look at cryptocurrencies (excluding stablecoins and NFTs), 10% of French people over 18 held them at the start of 2024 (compared to 8% in 2023).

A financial investment for the long term

Across the Atlantic, we must look at the annual survey of the Federal Reserve (or Fed) entitled “The economic well-being of American households in 2023”, which was published on May 21. Thus, “7% of Americans (adults, Editor’s note) held or used cryptocurrencies in 2023”. A figure down by 3 points compared to 2022 (where this share therefore reached 10%) and even by 5 points compared to 2021 (12%). In other words, since last year, the share of French people holding crypto-assets has become greater than that of Americans.

In detail, the purchasing objectives in cryptocurrencies are approximately similar. Buying or holding cryptocurrencies as an investment remains the priority for the French and Americans. In France, 41% of French people surveyed by Adan did so “for long-term investment”. In the United States, almost all crypto holders also do so as part of an investment (7% of the 7% who hold them).

Source: https://www.bfmtv.com/crypto/la-part-des-francais-detenant-des-cryptomonnais-est-desormais-plus-importante-que-celle-des-americains_AV-202405270563.html

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