In decline since 2022, according to the NielsenIQ Ebit survey, Brazilian retail sales results on Black Friday have disappointed companies of the most diverse sizes and sectors, reaching a reduction of 13% in 2023 compared to last year’s sales. Following the investment model in strategies such as “heat” — promotion that starts in advance — and the digitalization of offers, many of the companies that have complained about the results of the date, however, did not pay attention to the revolution highlighted by the father of Marketing, Philippe Kotler, as a trend in the post-pandemic panorama: Marketing 5.0.

Focused on the use of technology to promote the good of humanity, according to Kotler, the construction of promotional campaigns should not only be limited to the analysis of raw numbers, but also the quality of interactions and genuine engagement with the public. In this sense, Black Friday remains a milestone, but its relevance is changing year by year. In the pre-pandemic scenario, the date was exclusively about aggressive discounts and massive sales; Today, the focus shifts to creating personalized and meaningful experiences for consumers.

Those who believe in the drop in Black Friday numbers as a sign of failure may not have understood the new Marketing dynamics that are transforming the way promotional campaigns are carried out inside and outside Brazil. Nowadays, the rule is to build solid relationships, offer solutions that meet individual and collective needs, and promote a positive impact on both the lives of consumers and the community.

Therefore, Black Friday continues to be an opportunity for brands to stand out, but no longer just because of the low price. The date became a chance to demonstrate values, purposes and authenticity. It is therefore necessary for Marketing strategies to adapt, focusing on telling engaging stories, creating communities and adding real value to products and services for consumers.

On Cartão de Todos’ Black Friday, for example, we bet on several free conditions that had the potential to add to the daily lives of our new members. We offer monthly fees, annual fees, courses and wellness services for free and, as a result, we broke the sales record for the second consecutive year on that date, reaching more than 50 thousand memberships in just a few hours. However, the essence of our Black Friday marketing strategy was to ensure that people from classes C and D had access to essential health and education services, which have the capacity to transform the community.

It is therefore worth reflecting on whether the numbers that fell on Black Friday may not represent tiredness of the event itself, but rather a fundamental change in the way companies and consumers interact. It is an invitation for brands to understand that success goes beyond gross sales, because it lies in the emotional connection and building a memorable experience for each individual. Those who understand and embrace this new Marketing 5.0 dynamic are at the forefront, ready to create lasting bonds and positively impact the market and society as a whole.

*Juca Colagrossi is a professor at ESPM, former superintendent of Corinthians and current VP of GT7, Business Unit (UDN) of Grupo Cartão de Todos, focused on innovation and accelerated and sustainable growth, and VP of Data Intelligence at Gotcha, Hub of Business and Communication.

Be ready for Marketing 5.0 and the new market needs!


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