If you have reached this article, you are probably considering studying Digital Marketing, and there are many professional opportunities for this booming profession. But what is really studied in this area?

So that your conviction to train in this branch is even clearer, we are going to detail what is studied in Digital Marketingso that you don’t get any surprises at the beginning of the school year.

Develop a digital marketing plan

The main objective of good training in Digital Marketing should be develop an effective digital marketing plan for yourself or third parties.

This marketing plan must begin with the definition of the business modelas well as goals to complete a period of time from now on, identify the target audienceand establish KPIs to measure success.

Subsequently, the most appropriate strategies and tools are selected based on the analysis of the market and available resources, through the Marketing Mixinternal and external analysis, among others.

Marketing MixMarketing Mix

Once the general framework is established, a implementation schedule (with Gantt Charts, for example), assigning resources and defining responsibilities.

This plan should be flexible to adapt to changes in the digital environment and should include a continuous evaluation strategy to adjust tactics as necessary with a contingency plan and optimize ROI (return on investment).

All of this must occur in a complete and practical manner throughout the syllabus of your Digital Marketing training, since online marketing plans serve as a roadmap to achieve the objectives of digital projects.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO consists of optimize web pages to improve their position in Google results or from other search engines.

This is achieved by optimizing various elements of the website, such as titles with keywords, the structure of the website, and the quality of the contentensuring that it includes relevant keywords that users would use to search for you.

Furthermore, we cannot forget that external factors come into play in SEO, such as quantity and quality of incoming links from other websites. It is what we technically call linkbuilding or linkbaiting, to improve the authority of the website.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

While SEO consists of appearing organically in search results, SEM consists of appearing in search engines such as Google through paid advertising campaigns in Google Ads.

In the search engine you will see these results with the “Sponsored” label or similar. What they do is bid for certain searches in the most optimal way possible.

SEM and GoogleSEM and Google

Usually, this involves PPC (pay per click) campaignswhere advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads, or CPM (pay per thousand impressions). These ads can be customized to appear when specific terms are searched, allowing advertisers to reach a highly targeted audience.

Achieving profitable SEM campaigns requires constant monitoring and adjustment of campaigns to ensure high spending efficiency and better lead conversion.

To do this, it is especially relevant to check which are the best keywords to bid on, review the ad copy, and improve the landing pages to maximize conversion rates.

You should also teach these aspects in your digital marketing classes if you want to be sure that you will leave with extensive knowledge on the subject.

Content Marketing

Content marketing focuses on attract and retain customers by creating and sharing useful content for our audience.

This strategy is based on building a long-term relationship with customers, providing them with useful information that solves their problems or improves their lives in some way, without overtly promoting the brand.

In addition, quality content helps establish brand authority and improves SEO, since this useful content could be highly valued in the eyes of Google and thus receive visits through the search engine.

Social Media

Social Media, or social network marketing, Leverage platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter/X to build a community. It is essential for brands to create engaging content and engage in conversations to foster a positive relationship with followers.

Twitter X Analytics to measure performanceTwitter X Analytics to measure performance

In addition, platforms often offer analytics tools that allow brands to measure the success of their campaigns and better understand the preferences of their audiences. This way, you will know what type of content works best for you to replicate.

Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective strategies to reach customers directly with personalized messagesso it is very common to discuss it in digital marketing agendas.

Emails can be used for a variety of purposes: from promoting a product or service, to keeping customers informed about company news, or even sending valuable content to build audience loyalty.

A very positive aspect of email marketing, in addition to reaching our clients’ inbox, is that we can segment by creating groups of subscribers, thus making our marketing campaigns even more effective.

Web Analytics

Web analytics is essential to understand how users interact with a website and how digital marketing campaigns are going. That’s why, It is essential that when studying this discipline they teach you how to measure.

Google Analytics 4Google Analytics 4

Data measurement or Big Data tools such as Google Analytics, Power BI or Microsoft Clarity, among others, are normally taught.

Digital Advertising

Digital advertising covers a wide range of formats and platforms, including Google Ads, TikTok Ads and Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram). This modality allows brands to reach a broad or highly segmented audiencedepending on the objectives of the campaign.

Normally, in digital marketing training you will learn to create attractive ads for brands, as well as measure their performance (for example, analyzing the cost per lead, or the cost per thousand impressions).

We recommend you look at the differences between studying marketing and advertising, since marketing tends to be more analytical, while advertising focuses more on creativity to come up with ads.

Marketing de Influencers

Influencer marketing consists of Collaborate with people who have a significant impact on social networks to talk about our products or services.

When selecting influencers, it is important to consider not only the size of their audience but also their relevance to the brand and the level of engagement they generate. It’s not all about the number of followers: you have to measure the engagement of their posts to check that their community is also active.

For this reason, properly filtering the influencers to work with, as well as developing the advertising campaign in the most organic way possible, is another aspect to study in this branch.

Project management

If you are going to work with clients or your own projects, it is essential to know how a digital consultant works. From its most common methodologies, such as dealing with clients and onboardings.

So, we recommend that you do a training that not only teaches you the technical side of what we saw before, but also how to deal as a freelancer or employee with digital projectssince this will help you know how to do your job in the future.

We give you as an example the syllabus of the Digital Marketing Master of the Marketing and Web School, which offers complete and updated modules on the sector, and very aligned with what we have recommended before.

Temario Marketing DigitalTemario Marketing Digital

These training modules are:

  1. Methodologies and good practices of digital consultants
  2. Digital Strategy and sales funnels
  3. Website design and WordPress
  4. Copywriting y Email Marketing
  5. Personal brand and employment
  6. Advanced SEO
  7. Advertising on Social Networks
  8. Google y YouTube Ads
  9. Social Media and Digital Content Strategy
  10. Web Analytics
  11. Plan de marketing digital
  12. Artificial Intelligence applied to marketing
  13. Digital content creator

From here, it is a matter of going deeper into each section. For example, as you can see, there is a module dedicated to Artificial Intelligencewhich is interesting due to its impact on the future of work and our productivity.

And for you, what subject or module has caught your attention the most? Is this what you expected? We read you in comments!

Source: https://www.marketingandweb.es/marketing/que-se-estudia-en-marketing-digital/

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