This is one of the questions that has always bothered me since we carried out communication campaigns on Facebook. It is important to know at what time your post will generate the most impressions, because whether the message reaches the target audience depends on it, and the number of user interactions with your publication also largely depends on it.

As until now there was not much data on the matter, intuition makes you opt for habits similar to those we observe with web analytics tools on other platforms, but it is obvious that users behave differently on a website than on a network. social. In the end, by making an Excel table with the publications and the number of accumulated impressions, we were able to establish a more accurate pattern as to what times were the best to publish something on Facebook.

Last week, an American company called Vitrue published a study carried out over 3 years in which they investigated precisely what is the best time to post things on Facebook, and how user behavior varies throughout the days of the week.

Those of you who want to download the study can do so at this link (in English).

Although the data refers to the USA, in my opinion there are some data that we could extrapolate to Europe.
The most interesting conclusions of this study are the following:

– Posts that are uploaded in the morning are those that generate the greatest number of comments and interactions. What is published in the morning generates 39.7% higher participation than what is published in the afternoon. In principle this is because the posts in the morning are scarcer, so they stand out for longer, gaining visibility. If many posts were published in the morning, however, visibility and user interaction would be reduced.


– There are 3 peaks of activity on Facebook on weekdays: at 11 a.m., at 3 p.m. and at 8 p.m.



– The least activity occurs on Sundays between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.

– It seems that the day of the week that most comments and interactions occur are Wednesdays, followed by Tuesday, and Thursday.

Personally, I believe that these very clear conclusions from the studies must be taken with caution. However, I must admit that it corresponds quite closely to what I observe daily in client campaigns and can surely shed some light on this topic.

I recommend reading the full study to understand its methodology and why they reached these conclusions.
What do you think? Do you agree with the main conclusions of the report?


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