If you have seen your children, nephews, little brothers or any other teenager dancing in front of their cell phone without understanding anything, the answer is on TikTok.

Created in 2014 under the initial name Musical.ly, TikTok is the social network that has overtaken Instagram as the third most downloaded social network in the world, only behind Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger.

If you are not so interested in what it is as in what happens inside it, there is nothing like a selection of the best examples of TikTok to understand it in the blink of an eye.

But why, if it has been on the market for so long, has it started to explode now?

Until relatively recently, this social network was especially popular among young people aged 12 to 18. The possibilities of video editing and musical synchronization led them to make it their own through choreography, Lip Sync and humorous videos that could remind you of the old Vine. This mode of use ended up becoming a barrier to entry, making TikTok seen as an App for children with enough free time to understand and follow the social network codes.

However, it seems that with the end of the decade our fear of participating in the challenges that characterize the social network has also ended, as more and more people over 18 or brands are daring to use TikTok. Pay attention to the greater presence of people in their 40s than in their 30s. Without a doubt parental control has something to do with this.

TikTok usage by age (US, 2019)

These ingredients, along with its growing popularity in India and China, have made Tiktok reach one billion followers before any other network on the market.

One billion people already use TikTok
Growth speed of social networks for years in the market.

You just have to see how much downloads of the application have grown from one quarter to the next.

tiktok growth 2020

How can I advertise on TikTok?

If you have started playing around with the application, surely as soon as you enter you have already been hit by an ad, you have seen several sponsored trends or you have missed a promotion between videos.

Advertising on Tiktok is possible, but unlike Facebook and Instagram, there is no space open to the public from which to manage your ads. For now, if you want to advertise your brand on the social network, you will have to contact TikTok from its advertiser form.

The advertising packages that they offer for now are perhaps far from the reach of the most humble budgets, however, one of the best advantages of TikTok is its good organic functioning. If your brand’s content is good and connects with the audience, its visibility will grow like wildfire without the need for direct investment.

Why should you start considering using TikTok?

At a time of saturation like the one that other social networks such as Instagram or YouTube are going through, TikTok is presented as a breath of fresh air in the channel mix of all brands.

TikTok is a social network that is especially grateful for organic content. If the community reacts quickly and positively to your posts, you will quickly see the video reach viewing figures at a faster rate than you can see on Facebook or Instagram.

In this social network it is possible to upload videos that are 100% post-produced on a computer, but we already told you that it is not the format that works best in the application. Without a doubt, another reason for their freshness is the dominant presence of people and therefore, animated videos can seem somewhat out of context. What may seem like a barrier to you at first is undoubtedly a very good reason to get into Tiktok, since no one connects better with a person than another person.

If we haven’t convinced you yet, we still have a secret weapon left. Don’t miss the reflection on TikTok in our podcast:

Source: https://www.40defiebre.com/que-es-tiktok

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