According to the Data Age 2025 report, from the International Data Corporation (IDC), recently released, the amount of data consumed in 2020 was around 59 ZB (zettabytes, or 59 trillion gigabytes), which means 200 billion gigabytes per day.

But after all, what number is that?

For comparison purposes, the Library of Congress, which has around 39 million books in addition to 128 million other items, is estimated at 20 million gigabytes. In this way, the amount of data produced daily in the world is equivalent to 10 thousand times the entire volume of information in the largest library in the modern world.

And what do you do with so much information?

Don’t worry: it’s worth saying that data is different from information. Information is what you extract after analyzing the data. When a person or an algorithm groups, co-relates, interprets data and extracts something from it that can actually be used, that is information.

Our Business Intelligence team here at STANDOUT, for example, is obsessive about producing accurate information so that brands and retailers can communicate perfectly with their shoppers. Yes, communication is the key to success!

Data from a certain audience, about a certain type of product, in a specific environment helps us obtain information on how to implement the best communication between brands and consumers.

And everyone wins, especially the shopper, who wants to guarantee the necessary knowledge for an informed purchasing decision.

Of course, with more than 100 million shoppers accessing our content in hundreds of e-commerce sites, the volume of data to be processed and analyzed is truly gigantic, but by directing the work towards a well-defined result (“how can we be more efficient in communication”), we make all efforts work in the same direction.

Therefore, have a very clear, defined and delimited focus so as not to drown in this infinite sea of ​​data.

Returning to our example, the result of this focused analysis are brands that actually know their shoppers, know how to talk to them and, above all, value what this audience responds to: each new interaction with their product is a new opportunity to hear their valuable opinion. .

Knowing the opinion of this universe of shoppers is the best and most valuable feedback that brands can receive about their products. But this is another new round of BI analysis and that will be for another article.

*Andrea Miranda is a Computer Scientist, with more than 30 years of experience in IT applied to digital marketing and advertising. Furthermore, she is the co-founder and CEO of STANDOUT, a martech reference in digital trade marketing and helps brands and industries speak directly to their audiences at the last digital point of contact, which is the e-commerce product page. Andrea is recognized as Winning Women’21 by EY and also Top 3 in Female Entrepreneurship by 100 Open Startups.


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