The pandemic has impacted all businesses worldwide to a greater or lesser extent, and that is why many companies have evolved rapidly. From the point of view of Digital worldWhat does he have in store for us? 2021?

Given the current situation, events have become virtual out of necessity. During 2021 and beyond, many events will remain virtual not only due to health restrictions and concerns, but also as a result of the lessons of marketing strategies learned in 2020.

Virtual events in our daily lives

Las new digital trends show that the virtual events are very useful for reach a whole new audience. This is because they are more accessible experiences for different audiences, since there are no physical limitations as occurs in in-person events, which translates into a greater attendance and more participation.

Therefore, the key is being creative and boost participation through rich and dynamic digital content. The different benefits of online events will become a critical area to deal with learn to interact conveniently.

The acceleration of digitalization as a means of survival

Likewise, the business now they have the need to return permanently digital. This is quite a challenge, because for the public to participate outside of traditional sales messages, you must diversify activities through the social networks to connect with most engaged users.

Since the social commerce will continue to grow in the coming years, social networks will become a main purchasing channel, rather than just discovery. It must be made easier for consumers move from discovery to purchase without having to leave the platforms themselves, creating a simple and hassle-free purchasing route.

The near future of electronic commerce

This means evolving beyond the era of personalization and entering an era of personal tradingwhere the consumers select jointly their experiences with brands who must intervene to reflect their preferences.

Brands are expected to understand what users have purchased in the past and help them determine what they can buy next from the data that have consciously shared with them by interacting with their networks and channels.

It’s not just about brands meeting consumers in the present; It is also about brands guide them about what and when They may need a certain product.

In this way, the e-commerce should put emphasis on collect the data of their own buyers and start Act significantly according to the results obtained to predict the needs of your buyers.


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