Maybe you’ve already found a strategy for your Instagram posts, but chances are you’ve forgotten one of the most important elements. Your Instagram profile is not only responsible for creating the first impression of your brand and supporting your image, it is also the only place where you can add a link that connects others with what you offer.

Your Instagram bio offers you 150 – bless you! – characters to show people who visit your profile who you are, what you offer, and why they should be interested, which is why it is worth taking the time to create an Instagram bio that is interesting and captivating. Here we offer you ideas to create an Instagram biography and profile that adequately represents your brand on the social network that Forrester Research calls “the queen of social interactions.”

What appears on your Instagram profile?

Before you start creating your Instagram bio ideas, you need to understand the key components that make up a profile.

Your name

Everything you write here will appear in bold at the top of your bio. You can also include your brand name and of course, there is still much more you can do. This part of your bio also gives you 30 extra characters that you can use to include a variation or abbreviation of your name, for example, Saturday Night Live (SNL). You can also use a keyword that explains what your brand is about, for example, Headspace uses “company”, which allows users interested in this keyword to find the profile more easily.

Usernames are included in the Instagram search engine, for this reason it is important to use a keyword so that other users can find you. However, avoid using too many keywords as this can alienate your potential future fans.


The username is your identity on Instagram and is also part of your profile URL so choose carefully! It is best to use the same (or similar) username on all your social networks so that it is easier to tag yourself and be found on them.


This is the part on all of Instagram where you can put a link. You can change it as many times as you want, this way you can link it with your newest and most important content (for example, your latest video or article), with a campaign or with a web page that redirects people who enter from your Instagram profile . Try using a URL shortener that offers to see in real time how many people have visited your Instagram profile.


The most important thing when creating a biography for your brand is to explain who you are and what you do. The best way to do this is to share what characterizes you using language directly aimed at the type of audience you are interested in attracting in order to show them that they have reached the correct profile. We know, a lot to say in just 150 characters! But don’t worry, the secret is to be creative and use some tricks to make an exceptional biography.

Now, with all the other elements of your profile in order, it’s time to focus on your Instagram bio.

What to put in your Instagram bio? Ideas, Tips and Inspiration for brands

Consider using emojis

Even if you fear that emojis might take away from your brand, you should consider adding them to your Instagram ToolBox. The emojis you choose – from faces and animals to more serious symbols like check marks and letters – can add personality to your brand.

An emoji may not be worth a thousand words, but when writing space is limited, the right emoji can more easily and quickly describe what your brand is about to people who visit your profile. As you can see in the image below, Asos uses a series of emojis that not only represents its fun approach, but also shows curious people what they can expect from the brand. (Extra points for the little finger pointing at the link.)

For example, consider how easy it is to understand the ghost emoji used by the Snapchat brand. Other commonly used emojis are the thumbtack or pin? (to show the specific place where the mark was created or located) and the one on the envelope✉️ (to indicate the email).

If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet? in it ? of emojis, you can start using them as bullet points. Find an emoji that helps you adequately describe every detail you want to include in your Instagram bio, even if it’s a simple check mark.

Organize your bio for Instagram with spaces and phrases

Organizing your bio using spaces and phrases will help those who visit your profile break down information into smaller bites while making it easier for you to highlight the most important things about your brand. In the example below, blogger Rebecca Bolwitt (also known as Miss 604) uses phrases and emojis to highlight her personal brand.

Learn how to optimize or improve your Instagram biography

Implementing this type of format can be a little difficult if you are using a mobile device, especially if you use an iPhone or iPad. There are two ways to make it possible.

1) Mobile Method: On an iPhone, open the Notes app and write your Instagram bio as you would like it to appear, including any phrases you want to use. Select everything and press “Copy”, then open the Instagram app. Press “Edit Profile” and paste the text you copied earlier into the space for your Instagram bio. Select “Done” (the check symbol) to save.

2) Method Web: Visit your Instagram profile, select “Edit Profile” and write your bio as you would like it to appear on your Instagram profile. Then press “Send” to save. Please note that the phrases will not be visible when you visit your profile from a desktop computer.

Instagram bio quotes don’t always look the same whether you’re using a mobile device or a desktop computer. Since Instagram is primarily a mobile app, you can prioritize this look. However, it is recommended that you view your profile both ways to ensure that it looks good in both formats.

Use and create branded hashtags to collect content generated by other Instagram users

Nothing creates a more irresistible Instagram story than one with images of real people interacting with your brand. The easiest way to collect these images is to include a branded hashtag in your Instagram bio. This way, “Instagrammers” will have a way to share their content with you and you can repost it on your own profile.

Without going too far, GoPro’s Instagram account shows how this concept can be used to create beautiful updates that motivate people to use their product.

phrases for instagram biography

These types of hashtags are not only for products. PayPal combines the use of emojis with its own hashtag to create content that shows moving money as a deeply personal service, which humanizes the brand.

Phrases for Instagram profile

Keep in mind that any hashtag you include in your biography works within the Instagram interface, but not in other mobile applications.

Include a call to action

Like any other good marketing strategy, your Instagram bio should include a call to action, such as what do you want people who visit your profile to do after viewing it?

Airbnb is one feed on Instagram to show tempting photos of homes that are available to reserve. Since users who visit their profile are curious about these particular properties, Airbnb’s call to action is simple: “Book from our feed”.

Instagram biography the tricks you need to optimize your Instagram profile phrases

What is your conversion goal for people who visit your Instagram? If you’re offering visually compelling products, like Airbnb does, you may want to send people to a place where they can buy directly. You may also want them to like your Facebook page or subscribe to your newsletteror take any other action that relates to your marketing objectives.

Be clear when asking visitors to take this step, and also make sure it’s connected to the link you put on your Instagram profile, which will appear immediately after your bio.

If your goal is to have more followers on Instagram, your call to action can be simply asking visitors to follow your feed or share photos with your brand’s hashtag.

Include your contact information

Imagine a user stumbles upon your Instagram account, loves your work, and wants to connect with you in the future. How does he do it?

Include your contact information, such as your email address, so that other users can contact you directly instead of leaving a comment on a post and risking the possibility of losing it in a pile of messages.

Highlight what makes you special

What makes you different from others?

A good business profile on Instagram adequately describes what it is about and what it offers. Part of that refers to the unique skills and services the brand offers. Do you have a local business? Are your products ethically made? What curious facts about your brand can you give to others? These are other successful ways to show your company’s personality.

bio for Instagram

Includes hours of operation

While many can easily look up hours of operation online, adding this information to your Instagram profile makes your followers’ lives easier. And with Instagram’s geo-tagging feature, the platform is often used as a discovery tool for people searching for businesses near them.Instagram biography Tricks to optimize your Instagram profile How to improve your Instagram profile?

With all of these Instagram bio ideas, you’re ready to create a bio and profile that showcases the best of your brand and motivates your visitors to follow, like, and even buy what you have to offer, all in 150 characters or less.

Via: Hootsuite


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