How to choose the best tools for Twitter?

This is a question that many of us professionals who work in the world of Digital Marketing have asked ourselves and that is sometimes not easy to answer.

The choice of one or another Social Media tool depends on many parameters and factors, but, above all, we must look at those that have what is necessary to meet our objective.

With this article today, I want to show you 10 tools for Twitter that I have used and use to squeeze and go a little further in the data we extract from the accounts we manage.

Unlike other social networks, Twitter stands out for its simplicity in its learning curve and when it comes to interacting with our followers.

A simplicity that hides a world of results, which, properly analyzed and implemented in our Digital Marketing strategies, results in our campaigns being strengthened to achieve the proposed objectives.

What can we calculate and analyze with these tools for Twitter?

In general terms they would be:

Impact of our tweets, both impressions and interactions.

Find influencers.

Select the best hashtag for each campaign.

Analyze the competition.

Monitor the competition.

Reports, graphs and statistics of all account data.

Search and find trends.

Demographic distribution of followers.

Discover reciprocal follows and those accounts that have stopped following you.

As you can see, by selecting the appropriate tools for Twitter we go one step further in the analysis and improvement to manage the accounts.

For this reason, I wanted to make this compilation of tools for Twitter.

10 Tools for Twitter that you should not miss

1.- Hootsuite

Let’s go with one of the crown jewels, Hootsuite.

For me, it is the best tool to manage our Twitter accounts because of the large number of options we have and the ease it provides when using it.


It allows you to schedule your posts, bulk upload your tweets in Excel or CSV format, make drafts or observe the tweets that you have already scheduled in previous days.

Column management

Along with the programming option, this option is one of the ones that stands out the most, since, through columns edited according to your taste, it allows the management of each of our accounts.


Create a work group and assign functions to each of its components.


It offers the possibility of creating various free and paid reports.


Analyze the contact data of the accounts you manage.


It offers a wide variety of applications to add to your column and extract a large amount of data, some of the ones I use are: Demographic Profiles, JustUnfollow (Crowdfire), SocialBro…

The biggest handicap that this tool has for Twitter is its reports, which are scarce in its free version and have very high costs if we prefer to do something more complete.

Even so, it is worth managing our accounts with this powerful tool for Twitter. What do you think about it?

2.- Buffer

Tools for Twitter - Buffer

This tool for Twitter is mainly known for the fact that it allows us to schedule our posts.

But programming is not the only feature it has, in fact, it allows us to:


As I have mentioned, it is its best-known facet, it allows us to publish our content in batches or tweet by tweet.

Discover content

This tool for Twitter has a function that recommends content similar to what you have published to share with your followers.


For accounts that can be very expensive to work on due to the involvement and volume of followers managed, creating a work team makes the proposed tasks much easier.

Well, Buffer allows the creation of teams with collaborators, however, you will have to switch to the paid account.


One of the options that I like the most about Buffer is that it allows you to analyze tweet by tweet the ratios it has had (Retweets, favorites, mentions, clicks…)

Did you already know these Buffer options?

3.- Crowdfire

Tools for Twitter - Crowdfire

Excellent tool to manage the followers you have on Twitter, it shows us a clear visualization with some easy-to-learn options.

It opens up the possibility of:

Know who doesn’t follow you

The number of fans

Or what is the same, followers who follow you and who do not follow you

Recent unfollowers

Recent followers

Inactive followers

All followers

Copy followers from other accounts

Follow keywords

Create black and white lists

Friends Check

Automating welcome direct messages

Tweet scheduling

Crowdfire is another excellent tool for Twitter used by many specialists in the sector. Is it your favorite?

4.- Done

Tools for Twitter - Klear

It is a very interesting tool to analyze all the data in your account. To do this, you just have to log in with our Twitter account and with a simple glance we extract the following data:


Activity (tweets per day), popularity (engagement per tweet based on retweets, likes, replies and shares) and the number of conversations. In short, analyze your profile.

Analyze the most popular content in your account

With all the data related to the tweet or tweets.

Draw conclusions from your followers

Since, according to popularity, they are grouped into categories from Celebrities until Newbies.

Demographic data of your followers

Monitor the competition

Search influencers

5.- SocialBro

Tools for Twitter - Social Bro

It is, in my opinion, the best tool to manage your community of followers on Twitter and extract endless results.

Some of the features it offers are:

Analyze your community of followers

Discover the influence of your followers, the number of followers and followed in general terms, the lists, the ratios or the age of the account. These are just some of the options it offers.

Export in PDF or Excel file of the personalized reports that you program

Such as, best time to Tweet, consult and create detailed reports about your community or content reports.

Crowd data analytics

Like the statistics of your community, tweet analytics, real-time analytics, compare up to three accounts, Benchmark (to know the growth of your account) or make a follower retention report.

The option of Segment that allows you to discover new users

Analyze accounts to see all their data, do a geolocated search or perform a Tweet search.

Task automation

Although I like it less, I am no longer in favor of making one, we can also schedule direct messages, mentions or generate regular ones.

Campaign creation

Integration of certain features with Hootsuite and Buffer

It has a free version with a maximum of 5,000 social contacts, but its paid version is very affordable, costing $13.95 per month. In addition, it offers the possibility of trying the premium version for 15 days.

As you can see, it is a very complete tool that, day after day, never ceases to surprise me.

6.- RiteTag

Twitter Tools - RiteTag

There is no doubt that, if you want to give greater dissemination to your activity on Twitter, the use of hashtags must always be present.

But, when we are doing a communication campaign for a client, it is normal for us to wonder which hashtag will be most successful with it.

Well, with this tool for Twitter your doubts will be dispelled in a moment, since it allows you to select the best hashtag at all times.

To do this, this Twitter tool monitors the most popular tags in real time and selects them by grouping them by color according to the degree of importance.

In addition, it analyzes the best time to use these hashtags and informs us which followers do so.

And you, do you use hashtags in your Social Media campaigns?

7.- Social Bearing

Tools for Twitter - Social Bearing

A free tool that allows you to extract all the information from an account or a hashtag just by putting it on the web.

It also allows you to search for users by the hashtag you select.

8.- Crowdriff

Tools for Twitter - Crowdriff

It’s a Google Chrome app that lets you pull results from any account you choose.

Some of which are:

The retweets

The favorites

The most used hashtags

The accounts that mention you the most

Tweets per day

Where do those tweets come from?

Whether from the native web, the mobile application or third-party applications.


Tools for Twitter -

With this tool for Twitter you will be able to control your followers at all times, as it allows them to be monitored.

What we get with are:

The tweets you can retweet

In addition to who you should thank for the retweet, thank you for being a new follower, or who you should consider following or unfollowing.

Analyze your community in depth

Generate leads

Run campaigns

Reports. Only available the last three days in the free version

10.- Twitter Analytics

Tools for Twitter - Twitter analytics

Not because it is the native Twitter tool should we despise it, quite the opposite.

It seems to me to be the most complete for extracting analysis data from each of our tweets.

What functionalities do we have at hand with the native Twitter tool?

Analyze our profile at a glance over a period of 28 days

With the number of tweets, impressions, profile visits, mentions, followers or tweets with links to your profile.

Extract top mentions, top tweets or top follower

Monthly account summary, with the data described above

Analyze tweet by tweet

Drill down into your audience with lifestyle, demographic, mobile footprint, or general information

The impact of Twitter Cards

Video analysis

Locate events and take advantage of their importance for the dissemination of content

This is a tool that I use constantly to analyze my clients’ accounts.


As you know, there are many tools for Twitter, the problem is selecting the most appropriate one.

I hope that with this article I have been able to help you select the one that best suits your project or needs and that you make the most of it.

Photo (Twitter Tools): Shutterstock

Do you use these tools for Twitter? Do you know any other tools to get the most out of Twitter? .

Via: Semrush

Image courtesy of Shutterstock


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