The first to adopt the regular use of a social network love to use Twitter, Google + or, for some days now, Pinterest to promote their product, brand and/or company.

But in the “real world”, the normal user (or what standard consumers are at the moment), the social network in which they feel the most interest is Facebook.

In addition to having 15 million registered users in Spain, we must take into account that there are more than 800 million people around the world.

So it’s gotten to the point where it almost doesn’t matter what your business is. Being on Facebook is being in contact with potential clients, no matter how segmented they are (better than better).

Now, as we always say, being there, in addition to taking up time, will make us not meet our objectives (if we had proposed them, which is another matter).

And when we are on Facebook, apart from creating a Optimized Fan Pagewith his welcome page, contact options, promotions, content generation, etc. what we need is a community. An audience to dedicate our time to.

And there we have the growth of the audience. By the way, brands: “it is not instantaneous.”

You cannot say, I hire you and I want 40 thousand fans, yes or yes, because mainly in Social Media, to ensure, nothing can be guaranteed.

And We can develop actions, have creative ideas, contests, promotions, build a “cool” brand image., but friends, all this takes time. Even so, if things are done consistently, your brand will rise, some more slowly, others more quickly.

Presumably “Restaurante La Gamba de Oro” (invented) is not going to grow in the same way that “Edreams” does.

Therefore, I leave you in this post, 10 simple and effective ways to get more fans on Facebook:

1. Fan Embudo

If you just built your Facebook page, start funneling your website traffic to the Fan Page, promote it, add it to your Twitter URL, put a widget on your blog, etc. (Ah! You don’t have Twitter, or website, or… then stop reading!).

Also use your emails, your newsletter to enter the link to your fan page.

2. Encourage Opt-In

Once a user has decided to become a fan of your page, what are you going to offer him? Content, videos, manuals, specific promotions for fans, humor, emotions? You choose, Do you want to position yourself? Do you want to show the benefits of your product?.

People only visit the page if they are interested in your brand and they will become participants if they trust you. Incentives in this sense usually work quite well.

Maybe that’s a special discount or some exclusive content. It must be something special and valuable, and not available anywhere else.

3. Inspire commitment

The most important aspect of Facebook is engagement. Engagement, if content is king on the social web, engagement Who is it? The queen? The prince?.

So easy to talk about, but so hard to get. In this sense, do not worry to a large extent about the number of fans but rather about those who interact regularly on your Fan page.

4. If constant

You should update your Facebook page at least once or twice every day. This is not something mathematical, there will be days that you literally cannot, other days you will update it more than five times. What is clear is that consistency gives a certain consistency to the brand in web 2.0.

After building your community and sharing content regularly, start to see what works and what doesn’t. Just like Google Analytics talks about your web traffic, the reach, engagement, visits to your posts those reported by Facebook Insights are also very important.

One of the keys to growing your fan page is understanding what your audience likes and what they don’t. I repeat, a little coherence and practicality. Normally, the videos tend to be very successful.

5. Giveaway products

One of the most effective strategies used by brands and those that serve to gain more fans are promotions. It has been proven that if these promotions include interaction and make us part of the experience, success is assured.

In any case, remember that these promotions should not stray too far from your goals as a brand.

If you want to maximize participation, develop a contest where people have to take action. The best way to not be too expensive is to give away your own products or services.

6. Associate with other brands

One of the guaranteed ways to get more clients is to get referrals and recommendations from others. Look for partners who are complementary to your business, and who have customers interested in your product or service.

For this to occur, there must be a something for somethingThat is, you must also participate in other communities, be visible and participate in other promotions from other sectors similar to yours. Even if it doesn’t affect your brand, make them known too.

7. Involve bloggers

Every Social Media Marketing campaign should include bloggers related to your sector, because right now they are the new PR. Whether you get free access to an event or products to a review, you need people talking about your brand on the Internet.

Find influencers in your nicheand keep in touch with them to establish a relationship that can later have benefits for your brand.

Don’t lose track of them and encourage them to get involved in your community. If you are running a promotion, find out how to find them and how they can act as disseminators of your promotion.

The best sales are always made by third parties.

8. Offline Events

Hosting offline events are a great way to engage people and get to know them better. They can also become a very good viral tactic.

A large number of small and medium-sized businesses can use Facebook as their Social CRM (Customer Relationship Management) thanks to the highly segmented information that social networks show us.


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