When companies try increase your Likes on Facebook Not only do they do it to spread their brand, but it is also a way for users to subscribe to their content. As if it were email marketing campaignsfrom the moment in which people give I like to one Fan Page You can now see page updates in your Newsfeedbut with two great advantages.

One of them is the not having to deal with spam, as happens more and more frequently in email accounts. The other is that connect with your audience directly from Facebook you greatly increase the chances that people interact with your posts. This is not only favorable from the point of view of aumentar tus Likesbut also said interaction is the best way to retain your audience.

Thus, every time you manage to obtain a I like tu database increases and your chances of reach your audience with your messages it multiplies. In summary, it generates a great opportunity from the point of view of marketing digital. Hence Facebook is a ideal place for promote brands and business. Therefore, in this blog post I will show you 15 ways to increase your Likes on Facebook and of loyalty to your followersFan Page. Let’s get started!

1. Share content from your blog in real time

Every time you post a new post in you blogbe sure to announce it through your Fan Page. Doing so will not only be beneficial in terms of entertain your audiencebut it will also help you increase web traffic to your site. Please note that for users it is much easier Access your blog from your Facebook accounts than doing it manually from the Web.

2. Include a link of your Fan Page in the signature of your emails and promote your page in a wayoffline

This is a double dissemination strategy. On the one hand, it is about including in the signature of your emails a link to you Fan Page. That way, each of the emails you send will be promoting your page.

On the other hand, I advise you to take advantage of all the offline spaces where possible promote your Fan Pagefor increase your Likes on Facebook. So for example, you can place your Facebook URL in thestained glass windows of your business and in your Business Cards. The same applies to objects of merchandisingsuch as pens, calendars, postcards and more.

3. Take advantage of Facebook advertising

A very effective way to add new followers to you Fan Page is to resort to Facebook Advertising. In this sense, it is important that your ad is attractive to the audience, so I recommend using images with the appropriate resolution.

4. Include social buttons on your blog

It is very important to provide users with ways fast y simple of access your Fan Page. Therefore, I advise you to include social buttons in you blogso that users can follow your account and share your content with their friends, simply by clicking a button.

Thus, if your blog is hosted on a WordPress server you can use it’s plugin to add shortcuts to your Fan Page. Additionally, you can customize appearance of these buttons to fit the aesthetics of your site.

5. Organize contests and promotions

One of the most effective ways to increase your Likes on Facebook y entertain your audience at the same time, it is to organize promotions and contests on Facebook.

6. Update your ads to avoid boring your audience

People they are bored easily by seeing the same ads every day, so I recommend vary the style of your paid ads on Facebook every time you can. Thus, you can establish a rhythm of change in your promotional messages of, for example, two or three times a week. Showing yourself dynamic in this way will help you engage your audience more effectively.

7. Use attractive images

As you probably know, photographs are among the most shared content of the Social networks. Hence its importance at the time of get more likes y attract new users to you Fan Page. Indeed, an attractive image has many more possibilities to be shared and to get the long-awaited Stopping Powerthat is to say, get users to stop and see your content while they walk throughNewsfeed.

Infallible tips to increase your likes on Facebook

For this reason, I strongly advise you to respect the Facebook suggested image sizes. Using the dimensions recommended by the site will allow you to maintain good visual quality in your photos. Do you need fonts? Click the link below to get free images and legal.

8. Promote your Fan Page from your other accounts

A good way to add new fans to you Facebook page es add links to you Fan Page in your other accounts Social networks. Thus, you can add links in your profile Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr and other sites, in order to offer your communities the option of also following you on Facebook. If you have many accounts in Social Mediayou can manage them from a single place, with tools to schedule posts in advance so that they can be shared when you prefer.

9. Impact your audience with a featured video

Between the new facebook features that were recently launched, one of them is ideal forintroduce yourself to the public y move your audience. I am referring to the option to set a featured video in the tab videos of you Fan Page. Thus, when users enter said section, they will be invited to view your clip. I recommend you take advantage of that chance to include your main messages in the most attractive way possible.

15 Tips to Increase your Likes on Facebook

10. Make sure you post content relevant to your audience

To achieve interest (y retain) to your followers, it is essential that you share relevant content for your audience. This relevance has to do with, for example, touching topics linked to your industry (and notany topic random). Additionally, the content must be as popular or compartibles as possible. To ensure this, you can use Buzzsumoa online application that allows you to discover the most shared topics on the Social networks and domains in particular.

How to increase your Likes on Facebook

11. Create and share infographics

Infographics are always a success in matters of shares, that is, getting the publications to be shared. This is possibly due to its particular ability to condense information in a mannerdidactic y attractive, through an image. Therefore, I recommend that you create your own infographics whenever possible. Do not worry! You can do it very easily with the help of Canvaa design apponline that allows you create infographics attractive very easily.

tips to Increase your Likes on Facebook (simple and effective!)

12. Keep your Fan Page always updated

If a person who has never visited your before Fan Page He visits it for the first time and sees that your last post is from two weeks ago (or more), possibly will lose interest to follow you And it is that he point of become a fanit is precisely to maintain updated about your brand’s news. Hence the importance of posting to your account every day.

So that this does not become tedious and enslaving, there are applications such as Postcronwhich allow you schedule posts on Facebook so that they are published on the day and time that you establish. That way you can define your publications for the week, and even for the month, in a single day.

It is also recommended change cover photo of you Fan Page with a certain frequency (for example once a week, or more). This will help you gain more visibility in the NewsFeed and at the same time it will give freshness and dynamism to your brand.

13. Utiliza Facebook Open Graph

Another way to attract y loyalty to users on Facebook is to offer them content presented in a way attractive. That is the purpose of Open Graphmake posts coming from your blog or website display the title and the images that you decide.

Essential Tips to Increase Your Likes on Facebook

14. Take advantage of Lookalike audiences

If you have a database of your fans (for example your emails) you can create a Custom Audience en Facebook (Custom Audience), which in principle serves to display ads to said list of specific users. But the interesting thing is that, from that list, you can generate a Audiencia Lookalikewhat is a A group of people con very similar features to that of your listing. That way you can display notices about your Fan Page to a segment very similar to yours current fans and, therefore, users will probably be interested in your proposal.

15. Interact with your audience!

The possibility of interacting is what characterizes the Social networksso exercise it in your Fan Page! Your followers will show more interested in your content if you respond to their comments and even if theyyou invite to participate. Thus, you can ask questions in your publications or propose slogans such as “what is your favorite movie?” Tell me later!

How to Increase your Likes on Facebook very easily

I hope you can take advantage of these 15 ways to increase your Likes on Facebook that I have shared with you. Applying these tips will not only help you achieve new fansbut it will help you retain your current followers.

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Via: Socialtools

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/15-formas-de-aumentar-tus-likes-en-facebook.html

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