Due to the great relevance that Twitter has today in marketing 2.0, an entire industry is being created around it of social media advisors, tools, applications… all with a common objective: to enhance and communicate efficiently with a community through this popular social network.

My contribution today to marketers interested in Twitter is to make a collection of tools that allow you to experiment and expand your audiences:

1- Just tweet it: Search for followers according to the users’ own interests.

2- Lessfriends: Shows you the users you follow and the people who follow you

3- Socialbro: it will allow you to analyze and manage your followers

4- Timely: It will allow you to leave pending tweets

5- Tweriod: Analyze the activity of your followers and send a report by email

6- Twitter patterns: Directory of backgrounds to decorate your Twitter

7- Tweetdeck: Account manager that allows you to manage through columns

8- TwitterKeys: To insert special characters

9- TweetWhen: Tool that allows you to know the best time to launch your tweets and attract more audience

10- Tweetstork: It will help you find users interested in your tweets

11- Twoolr: Statistics measurement tool to collect data from your account

12- Twazzup: Help to improve our searches on Twitter

13- Hash tracking: Very useful to monitor a specific hashtag

14- Manageflitter: Used to clean inactive users from our account

15- Hootsuite: Perhaps the best known. Used to schedule tweets

16- TouchGraph: Graphically shows possible relationships between your brand and others

17- Tinker: This will help you find events that people are commenting on on Twitter

18- Twiends: Frankly useful at the beginning to get more users

19- TwitterFeed: To synchronize your blog feed with Twitter

20- Twitturly: To show you what is being talked about the most on Twitter

21- Twitclicks: It will show you who clicks on the links in your tweets

22- Tweetlevel: Helps organize and structure the information on our Twitter and those of others

All these tools ultimately have to help us find our potential audience, analyze it, follow it, know its tastes in order to provide them with the content they are looking for and thus build loyalty with our brand. At first we all have the temptation to follow for the sake of following or simply increase our followers in an unreliable way, the only thing we will gain with this is a disintegrated audience that is not at all reactive to our tweets.

Finally, all these help are a contribution to the uniqueness of twitterthis social network should be treated uniquely, so let’s avoid scheduling identical messages for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, for example. Twitterers have their own language And you must take that into account to progress with the quantity and quality of followers.

Do you know any important tools that I have left behind for Twitter?

Via: Business Time

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/22-herramientas-imprescindibles-para-potenciar-tu-twitter.html

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