Building a digital image that helps you in your job search or at least does not harm you, is not an easy job.

To have a digital image that helps you find work, it is essential to have a public professional profile. In addition, following some simple tips will help you keep problems and bad experiences on social networks away. Building a good online reputation can take a long time, but ruining it and throwing away all the effort you have put into it can be a matter of a simple click.

1. Think before you act Posting something that may be unfortunate, violent, or disrespectful has no turning back. Like, retweet or share an unfortunate phrase or image is just a click away and the negative effect on your reputation or digital image can be irreparable. Later apologies will do the trick, but the damage will be done.

2. Don’t trust the privacy of social networks Save yourself some trouble and don’t post things that could harm you. Even if you have all the privacy filters activated, your privacy can be violated with a simple screenshot. One of your “friends” or contacts may think that that photo where you are drunk is very funny and, without malicious intent, make a copy. Then share that copy on your account and give it wings. That image can travel to places you never imagined, without violating the privacy of your account. If you don’t want someone to know, don’t tell anyone and even less post it on Facebook.

3. Don’t download your anger on social networks Are you one of those who stands with a giant speaker in the middle of the town’s main square, shouting at the world all the things you dislike about what you saw on television that night? Making your anger public is allowed, just be careful with the language and tone you use. Don’t lose perspective. Avoid outbursts. Maintain your composure. What you publish will remain there forever. A couple of minutes of reflection before making any decision and starting to write is usually enough. Prevention is always better than cure.

4. Sarcasm, double meanings and irony are fun until someone doesn’t understand them. Don’t expect everyone to understand that special sense of humor you think you have. Some people are more serious than you. You will even come across absolutely serious individuals who can be greatly affected by your joke or comment without “bad intention.” Cultures are different and what may be very funny to you may be the biggest insult to another. You should also apply empathy to social networks, not only use it in face-to-face contact.

Social networks are communication tools that are there for you to take advantage of. Used well, they can help you improve your digital image, your online reputation, and even serve as a springboard in your job search. But used without considering the previous basic advice will irremediably harm you. Be aware of what you do and what you share. I only have one last piece of advice left to give you: “Act on social media as if your mother is watching you, because chances are she is.”

Via: Erasmo Lopez


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