Instagram came on strong even in its beginnings, when it was only available to iPhone users. Its growth has been non-stop and, with the arrival of this social network also to devices that use Google’s operating system, Android, it has intensified even more…

The social photography network in the form of an app now owned by Marc Zuckerberg (creator of Facebook), is the social network with the highest percentage of growth in recent times, it has more than 150 million active users who share millions of photographs daily. Given this panorama, it is not surprising that Instagram has become one of the main points of focus if we talk about digital marketing.

Since Facebook bought Instagram, users of both social networks can more easily share photos taken on both social networks. And if we add the active users of Facebook with those of Instagram, the potential is probably incalculable; Hence, brands have found a new promised land on Instagram. And it has it all: it is mobile, since it is only available for iOS and Android devices; It is integrated into Facebook, which opens the door to enormous potential in the world of Social Media; It has an interesting geolocation functionality and tags that allow users to be addressed in real time and businesses can also indicate their exact location in the images…

The possibilities for brands to interact with users, and vice versa, are endless. Perhaps that is why there are already many brands with a presence on this social network that have made it part of their online marketing strategy. Some of those possibilities are:

  • Promote or advertise products or services through published images or videos.
  • Advertise events that can be photographed live.
  • Through the design of marketing campaigns developed specifically for Instagram. One of the most common practices in this regard is to ask fans to share photographs.

The great success of Instagram is probably due to the fact that the social network is able to offer all these advantages to users and brands in a way that seems more like entertainment than direct advertising. And taking this into account, it is not surprising that Instagram engagement today exceeds that of any other social network.

3 tips for marketing and Instagram

  1. Photo contests
    This is a perfect way to interact with new customers.
    You can ask your followers to post photos with your products. In exchange, you can offer them some of those products or publish the best photos on your website. You can also challenge them, for example, to participate in a “photo of the day” or “photo of the week” campaign…
    The important thing in this type of contest is that they are fun and at the same time allow you to achieve your goals.
  2. Post images with promotional codes
    Another ideal way to attract users and increase brand fans is by offering promotional codes through images. You can play with other networks where your brand is present, for example, Twitter or Facebook, to direct users to your Instagram images from there.
    And don’t forget that on Instagram, hashtags, as with Twitter, play a fundamental role and will allow you to attract users to your account and also monitor campaigns.
  3. Make your followers stars
    Each day, each week or each month, choose a follower of the day, week or month and make a mention about him/her. Through mentions, Instagram users tag other users… which can generate a powerful chain and attract more followers. Also, keep in mind that users like and value feeling recognized by brands very positively.

Via: Erick Canale


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