Black Friday is coming and, despite last year’s tepid performance, the scenario for the 2023 promotion season is optimistic. Responsible for adapting to current consumption practices, e-commerce will be a great ally of physical retail.

Globo, through the “Panorama of Consumption on Black Friday”, found that 62% of respondents from classes A and B intend to buy in the 2023 edition of Black Friday. Regarding online purchasing methods, he pointed out that 80% of customers have already made purchases through channels such as WhatsApp or stores’ social networks, highlighting these means as a trend.

In this scenario, it is important to offer a personalized and convenient shopping experience, with a focus on high-quality service. This can include implementing chatbots to assist customers through the purchasing process, as well as providing easy, user-friendly navigation on websites.

The path that the customer will take from the beginning of the service to the purchase itself, that is, the customer experience, needs to be fluid and hassle-free so that they do not give up during the process. Another trend is related to payment methods. The growing adoption of mobile solutions and simplified checkout options are an essential part of a better shopping experience.

Even though small and medium-sized companies do not have the same financial and marketing resources when compared to larger companies, some strategies can help with the result. Check out:

1. Segment your actions: A good idea is to focus on specific market niches and meet their own needs, as large retailers may not be serving them in such a targeted way. Focusing on local consumers is also a good idea, taking into account the sense of community and support for local merchants.

Creating exclusive offers for Black Friday with a (limited) urgency trigger can attract customers and generate that “limited offer feeling” in them, as can the inclusion of special discounts, exclusive product packages or additional services.

2. Anticipate promotions and campaigns: It is important to carry out prospecting, taking into account numbers from previous years. To do this, however, the company needs to have a system for organizing this data, such as, for example, a list of buyers, and who has already registered at some point. Having these numbers is interesting to activate these customers and target offers. Of course, it is also very important that companies remain aware of the LGPD rules when processing their customers’ data, so that no errors occur when anticipating campaigns and the consumer does not end up being harmed in any way.

3. Lightning Deals Can Be Powerful: Flash offers, with limited-time discount announcements, can also give good results, as they create a sense of urgency when purchasing. It is necessary that the communication of these offers, whatever they may be, takes place clearly, without pranks, without the famous “fine print”.

Another suggestion is to use the discount combined with the “limited stock” announcement, for example, which triggers scarcity, which can cause the customer to speed up the purchasing process. Another possibility is to create packages of products or services, increasing the perception of cost-benefit.

Throughout this process, the more honest and clear the communication, the more trust there will be. Customer satisfaction during the purchasing process can be converted into a testimonial, which can provide more “firmness” in the decision-making of other potential customers.

4. Don’t forget about free shipping: Giving the customer a “plus” can help at the time of purchase to attract and retain them. One of the most basic, but for many people it is an important element, is free shipping. Of course, the company will determine what is viable for the operation and whether it will only provide benefits above a certain amount spent, but the shipping price is a factor that may or may not determine the purchase. Depending on the product sold, offering an extended warranty – and once again, without any catches – can be a good additional attraction.

5. Adopt a rewards program: The reward strategy can also work, such as cashback, points that can be exchanged for products or services, or that can deduct some value when making a new purchase. All of these tools can and should be used, but always with very clear communication so as not to generate noise and problems with complaints that could harm other sales.

6. Don’t give up on good digital marketing: Black Friday is one of the most anticipated dates of the year and of course there is competition for customer attention. A clear strategy based on customer data will be important for success at the event. Having a clear understanding of the audience you want to reach and the channels to impact them is essential

For old customers, for example, it is important to think about activation actions using personal channels, such as WhatsApp and email. To attract new customers, a good way is to invest in digital, with actions on social networks, search engines, as well as partnerships with influencers.

All of these tools can become powerful allies. It is always necessary to emphasize the importance of simplifying the process for purchasing a certain product or service, as well as the means of payment.

*Leandro Rampazzo is CEO of Godiva Propaganda, a full service/360º agency


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