November 13
By Juan Merodio

The use of social networks for the promotion of businesses and personal brands has become a common practice. Facebook, being one of the most popular platforms, offers several ways to help businesses reach their target audience. One of these ways is the possibility of merging Facebook pages. In this article, we will explore the process of how merge Facebook pages (merge Facebook Pages) and we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to unify Facebook Pages.

merge facebook pages

Why merge Facebook pages?

There are several reasons why it may be necessary to merge Facebook pages. Some companies may have multiple pages created by different employees at different times, which can cause confusion among followers and dilute the company’s online presence. The merger of these pages can help consolidate the brand identity and unify communication with followers.

Additionally, merging Facebook Pages can be a useful tool for businesses that have changed their name or brand. By merging old Facebook pages with the new one, businesses can maintain their existing followers and ensure they stay up to date with the latest developments.

How to merge two Facebook pages

Requirements for merging Facebook pages

Before beginning the merging process, it is important to ensure that the pages to be merged meet certain requirements set by Facebook. These include:

  • The pages must have the same name and represent the same thing. If not, it is possible to request a name change on one of the pages and, once approved, request the merger.
  • The pages must have the same physical address, if they have one.
  • The pages must be managed by the same Business Manager account, that is, the administrator of the pages must be the same.
  • Both pages must be available in the classic (old version) experience or the new Facebook Pages experience.
  • The page from which the merge is requested cannot be the home page of a Business Manager account.

Steps to merge Facebook pages

Below are the detailed steps to merge Facebook pages:

  1. Access your page: Sign in to your Facebook account and go to the page you want to merge.
  2. Go to page settings: In the left menu, click “Settings” and then “General.”
  3. Select “Merge Pages”: In the “General” section, find the “Merge Pages” option and click “Merge Duplicate Pages.”
  4. Enter your Facebook credentials: Enter your Facebook username and password and click “Continue.”
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen: Facebook will provide you with detailed instructions on how to proceed with the merger. Follow these instructions to submit the merge request.

Please note that merging Facebook Pages may take up to 48 hours to complete. Once the merge is complete, the merged page is deleted and all of its information is transferred to the retained page.

Unify Facebook pages step by step

Merge a Facebook profile and page

In addition to merging Facebook pages, it is also possible to merge a personal profile with a Facebook page. This process is useful for businesses that initially created a personal profile for their business instead of a Facebook page. By merging the profile with the page, the friends of the profile become followers of the page.

To merge a Facebook profile and page, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your personal profile: Sign in to your Facebook account and go to your personal profile.
  2. Create a new page: In the “Pages” section of your profile, click “Create Page.”
  3. Provide page details: Enter your Page name, a bio, and any other information relevant to your business.
  4. Add profile and cover images: Upload relevant photos for your profile and cover image.
  5. End the process: Click “Next” to complete the page creation process.

What happens after the merger?

Once the merge is complete:

  • Followers combine: Followers from both pages are consolidated on the main page.
  • Content is removed from the child page: All posts, photos, and other content on the secondary page are permanently deleted.
  • Management is simplified: Now you will only have to manage one page instead of two.

After the merge is complete, the merged page is deleted and all of its information is transferred to the retained page.

In conclusion

Merging Facebook Pages can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to consolidate their online presence and avoid confusion among their followers. However, it is important to remember that merging Facebook pages is an irreversible action that should be done with caution. Before merging pages, make sure all pages meet Facebook requirements and that you have backed up any important information.

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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