In this article we will tell you 7 effective secrets to cause impact through your online content. For a few days now, we have been emphasizing the importance of online content in attracting new prospects to our business and its impact.

Get organized: Calendarize the content!

By date, time and place of publication. Don’t forget to add anniversaries to your calendar.


Use platforms to schedule that content and have it published when you want

You can use Hootsuite, tweetdeck, postcron.


Includes expert opinion

In addition to researching your field to find unique content that only you can make known, try to include the point of view of people specialized in the topics you discuss.


Don’t forget to include call to action buttons

“Read here” “Buy here” “More information here” “See now” “Leave us a comment to know your opinion” “What do you think about…?”


Write attractive headlines for search engines

“10 tricks about…” “Discover the secrets of” “5 tips about” that can fit into a tweet plus a link without problems (Keep in mind that tweets have a length of 140 characters)


Remember that the articles you write on your blog must be of good length

Ideally, they should exceed 400 words since this way they position themselves better in Google search engines.

Actions that generate engagement

On social networks you can make posts that appeal to humor, do trivia and why not? Giveaways and contests on Facebook.


Remember that not all the content you generate has to be of the tough and formal type, sometimes it is good to relax and seduce new users through fun actions that are effective when it comes to collecting new members to our online community. These tips are intended to generate a large database over time and, in turn, build loyalty in the audience you gain.

Via: SocialTools


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