Facebook also works for all this. The one known as “fan page” (FanPage) is the best of the options that this social network offers you. There are many who set out to create one, but not so many who manage to make an impact. Writing posts that generate responses and being successful with a FanPage is not as difficult as it seems. This is what Americans call “engagement”.

You have to define a goal. It seems obvious, but it is the main cause of failure of professional fan pages. You have to think about what you want to achieve and what kind of people you are targeting. It is not the same as wanting to sell Puyol t-shirts, position yourself as an expert in crime fiction or make a cocktail bar more popular. If you want to sell Puyol t-shirts you must target Barça fans, while if you want to be recognized as a critic in black literature you have to focus on readers of this genre. But it is essential to never lose sight of your objective.

It’s okay if we don’t have 20,000 fans overnight. Remember that having many followers does not have to get you to your goal. If you want to sell Puyol t-shirts, you have to focus on selling t-shirts. There are a lot of fan pages already created about Barça, Puyol and the culés. They have thousands and thousands of fans. They are your potential audience, you can focus there. Some of these fans will come to your page and follow it as well. Others will not. But if you sell t-shirts, you can be sure that you are on the right track.

Facebook is like a brewery. You should keep this in mind when you write and speak to people. On Facebook the tone should be relaxed, casual. Think of it as if you had a beer in your hand, music playing in the background and you were meeting people and commenting on the play. Try to be happy, with “good vibes” (each in their own style). But you always have to speak appropriately, one thing does not take away the other. It is important to have credibility.

People want to talk to people, not logos. Even if your FanPage is corporate, it will be much more successful if the person on the other side identifies themselves. Avoid placing only a logo as your profile image, take photos with your work team and post them, speak as “you” and never forget that you are in a climate of “good vibes.” If you enhance this aspect, you will be close and encourage comments from your audience.

Share images. Don’t limit yourself to writing just text, that would be more like a Twitter tweet. Facebook was created for viewing photos, so try showing something when you want to send a message. Videos work very well if they are well thought out strategically. If you are also fun and original, you will have everything in your favor.

Write in 80 characters. You have to speak in headlines. Although Facebook allows you to write a whole tirade on the wall, I recommend that you don’t do it. You can do the test: look at your timeline. What do you pay more attention to? Surely, in the videos, in the photos… and in the short messages! They are the ones that impact the most. That’s not new either, journalists have been using this technique for a few years now.

Ask a question in the text. That usually encourages people’s comments. Action words (like “look” or “pass it”) usually grab attention. But words that imply instruction (like “become a fan” or “tell us”) often generate rejection.

Make comments and avoid launching promotions. Clearly commercial messages also tend to generate rejection. Remember that no one likes to be hit with a wedge while having a beer. I think it’s better to comment. If you sell Barça shirts, try to send messages like: “The new Barça shirt has thinner lines. Do you like it?” And avoid writing entries like: “The new Barça shirt is now on sale.”

Send the messages at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. At this time of weekdays is when there is the most activity on Facebook. As happens on TV, social networks also have their Prime-Time. On the other hand, Sundays from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. are when there are fewer people online. Wednesday is the day when people interact the most. They are followed by Tuesday and Thursday. I have been able to verify this personally, but it coincides with the data released by the American company Vitrue. They have published a study where they collect 3 years of research on what is the best time to send messages on Facebook and how the behavior of people who connect during the week varies.

This is all very new. These are my appreciations as a communicator. Do you think they can help you?

Via: Albert Fuget

Source: https://www.socialblabla.com/como-impactar-con-una-fanpage-de-facebook.html

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