The year 2024 marks a revolutionary period in the sales sector, driven by technological advances and new market strategies. As a leader at Grupo Mola, I have experienced and implemented significant changes in this sector, working with diverse clients, whose experiences offer valuable insights into current trends and challenges.

Emerging Trends in the Sales Industry

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analysis are dominant trends. Our collaboration with a paint manufacturer in the south of the country, for example, reflects this perfectly. By implementing AI at the company’s Annual Sales Convention, we focused on strategic realignment and launching new incentive campaigns. This exemplifies the trend toward personalization at scale, enabling campaigns that connect more meaningfully with different customer segments.

Challenges to be Overcome

The main challenge in 2024 is adapting to rapid technological evolution, maintaining a balance between technology and human touch. In our experience with a free energy market company, we faced the issue of undefined structural processes within the commercial team. Through corporate education and team training, we establish clear, structured processes, addressing this gap and aligning technology with human needs.

Common Mistakes in Companies

A common mistake is resistance to adopting new technologies. However, alignment between digital tools and human engagement strategies is crucial. Companies must integrate technology in a way that complements and reinforces their culture and values.

The Ideal Sales Professional

The current market seeks professionals who combine technical and analytical skills with adaptability and continuous learning. These professionals must be able to use advanced technological tools and interpret data to make informed decisions.

Revolutionary Sales Tools

Advanced CRMs and sales automation are transforming the field. These technologies allow for effective integration between different areas of the company and optimize sales processes, resulting in more cohesive and efficient strategies.

These tools are equally crucial in marketing, providing a holistic view of the customer and improving coordination between sales and marketing teams.

Motivating the Sales Team

To motivate a sales team, it is essential to offer recognition, rewards and opportunities for ongoing professional development. Promises such as “direction, strategies and tools used by the largest companies in the world”, as offered on the free energy market platform, resonate deeply with sales teams, driving them to achieve greater successes.

In short, the sales industry in 2024 offers limitless opportunities for those willing to embrace change and adapt to new realities. Companies and professionals who engage with emerging trends and overcome current challenges are well positioned to achieve exceptional success.

*Gustavo Malavota He is a business education consultant and speaker on sales, behavior and management. Graduated in administration and marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), is the founder of Instituto Vendas. He was a specialist in marketing from Senac. He is an author, columnist and professor at MBA in Marketing Administration and Business Communication at the Veiga de Almeida University (UVA). He has also been a retail trainer in the sales and service area for ten years and has trained more than 8 thousand people in large companies in Brazil.


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