January the 8th
By Juan Merodio

How to use YouTube for Business

Have you ever wondered how you can use YouTube for your business? If yes, you are in the right place. YouTube is an online video platform, owned by Google, that allows users to watch, share, comment on and upload videos. Using YouTube for your business can be a great way to reach a wider audience and increase your online visibility.

First of all, you need to create a YouTube account for your social media business. This will allow you to upload videos, interact with other users and manage your channel. When you set up your account, be sure to include relevant information about your business in your profile and channel description. You can also customize your channel design to reflect your brand image.

Additionally, you can use YouTube features to promote your business. For example, you can use annotations on your videos to direct viewers to your website or other related videos. You can also use YouTube Analytics to track the performance of your videos and gain valuable insights about your audience.

Benefits of using YouTube for your company

Using YouTube for your business has many advantages. First of all, YouTube is the second largest search platform in the world after Google. This means that by uploading videos to YouTube, you can reach a massive audience of people looking for content related to your business.

Additionally, YouTube makes it easy to interact with your audience. You can respond to comments, participate in discussions, and receive feedback directly from your customers. This can help you build an online community around your brand and improve your customer service.

Lastly, YouTube can also be a powerful tool for content marketing. You can create and share videos that showcase your products or services, provide useful information or entertainment to your audience, or even showcase your company culture. As a result, you can increase brand awareness, build trust and loyalty, and ultimately increase your sales.

Case studies: Successful companies using YouTube

There are many companies that have successfully used YouTube to promote their brand and increase their sales. Here are some examples.

The first is GoPro, the action camera company. GoPro has used YouTube to share impressive videos captured with its cameras, which has helped the brand gain a large following and increase its sales.

Another example is Blendtec, a blender company. Blendtec went viral on YouTube with its “Will it Blend?” video series, where company founder Tom Dickson demonstrates the power of his blenders by blending everything from iPhones to golf clubs. These videos have generated millions of views and have helped Blendtec significantly increase its sales.

How to use YouTube effectively for your business

To use YouTube effectively for your business, you need to have a clear strategy. This includes defining your goals, identifying your target audience, and creating and sharing high-quality content that is relevant to your audience.

Additionally, it’s important that you optimize your videos for search. This means you should use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. You should also make your videos attractive and easy to watch, using good lighting, clear sound, and professional editing.

Lastly, don’t forget to promote your videos. You can share your videos on your other social media channels, email them to your subscribers, or even use YouTube video ads to reach a broader audience.

Potential Disadvantages of YouTube for Business

While there are many advantages to using YouTube for your business, there can also be some disadvantages. For example, YouTube is a very competitive platform, with millions of videos uploaded every day. This means that it can be difficult to stand out and attract the attention of your audience.

Additionally, producing high-quality videos can be expensive and requires time and skill. You may need to invest in recording equipment, editing software, and training. You may also need to spend time planning, recording, editing, and promoting your videos.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that YouTube is an open platform, which means that your videos will be exposed to comments and criticism from users. This can be an advantage if you receive positive feedback, but it can also be a challenge if you face negative or critical feedback.

Tips to Overcome the Disadvantages of YouTube for Business

Despite the potential disadvantages of using YouTube for your business, there are several ways to overcome these challenges.

To stand out in a competitive market, you must create and share unique and valuable content that attracts your target audience. You should also optimize your videos for search, using relevant keywords and clear, engaging descriptions.

If video production is expensive or time-consuming, you may consider outsourcing this task to professionals or using online tools and resources to simplify the process. You can also consider collaborating with other content creators or influencers to increase your reach and visibility.

Regarding user comments and criticism, it is important to have a strategy to manage them. This may include responding in a timely and professional manner, acknowledging positive feedback, and addressing negative feedback in a constructive and respectful manner.

Strategies to optimize your YouTube channel for businesses

Optimizing your YouTube channel can help you increase your visibility, attract more viewers, and improve your performance on YouTube. Here are some strategies you can use.

First, make sure your profile and channel description are complete and up-to-date. This should include information about your business, the types of videos you share, and how viewers can contact you. You can also customize your channel design to reflect your brand.

Additionally, you can use playlists to organize your videos by topic or category. This can help viewers find content they’re interested in and watch more of your videos. You can also highlight specific videos or playlists on your channel home page to attract viewers’ attention.

Lastly, you can use YouTube Analytics to track the performance of your videos and gain valuable insights about your audience. This can help you understand what types of videos are most popular, when and where viewers watch your videos, and what you can do to improve your videos and channel.

Resources to help you leverage YouTube for business

To help you get the most out of YouTube for your business, here are some resources you may find useful.

YouTube Creator Academy is a free online resource that offers courses and tutorials on how to use YouTube effectively. This includes topics like how to create and optimize your channel, how to produce and edit videos, how to promote your videos, and how to use YouTube Analytics.

Additionally, YouTube has a number of guides and tools to help you create and share videos. This includes the YouTube Quick Start Guide, the YouTube Content Creation Guide, and YouTube Studio, an online tool that lets you manage your channel and videos.

Finally, there are many blogs, podcasts, and books that offer tips and strategies on how to use YouTube for business. Some examples are “YouTube Secrets” by Sean Cannell and Benji Travis, and “Vlog Like a Boss” by Amy Schmittauer.


The study was carried out in August 2017 among users from Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, but I still believe that it is valid as a reference for any country in the world.

There are still many companies that continue to believe that YouTube is only an entertainment channel, or that only younger people go to it. But the truth is that this is only half a reality, since as you can see in the following graph, the main reason why users go to YouTube is to learn to do something or know some information on a particular topic, which highlights the great potential that companies have to generate quality content to reach their potential clients through this channel.

It is clear that when we want to search for information about something, we turn to a search engine, and the two most powerful search engines currently are Google and YouTube and both belong to the same company. This study concluded that 74% of users went to YouTube as their first channel when they wanted to learn how to do something new or learn about a specific topic.
When delved into how watching YouTube videos helped users, 60% said they learned to do something new or acquired a new skill.

You may think that your company can’t really add value here or that your users or clients don’t use it, but I would tell you, before making that statement, have you verified it with real data? And by real data I mean that first check what searches related to your business there are and the volume of these that is carried out today on YouTube to really be able to make the right decision and not lose a great opportunity to attract new customers.
By this I don’t mean that you create numerous videos selling or talking about your products, but once you have analyzed your market and the existing demand for content, you create content that really adds valueand introduce your products or services in them in a non-intensive way, since it is more than proven that users increasingly feel a greater rejection of intrusive communications from companies when it comes to presenting their products to them.

Conclusion: Why every business should consider YouTube

In short, using YouTube for your business can have many benefits. It can help you reach a wider audience, interact with your customers, promote your products or services, and increase your sales. Although there are some challenges, with the right strategy and resources, you can overcome these challenges and get the most out of YouTube for your business.

So what are you waiting for? Start using YouTube for your business today and discover the benefits it can bring to your company. Good luck!

Juan Merodio

Juan Merodio is an expert in Digital Marketing and Popularizer of the New Economy (Web3, Blockchain, NFTs…). He has founded the company that bears his own name, Juan Merodio, and from where he and his team coordinate and develop business consulting in Marketing and Digital Transformation for companies in different parts of the world such as Spain, Latin America, Japan, Canada and the United States.

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Source: https://www.juanmerodio.com/youtube-empresas/

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