Updated as of January 2018.

With this Social Media Expert Course you will be perfectly prepared to fill any professional position in the world of Social Media.

Course features:

  1. Eminently practical course.
  2. On-line. You can do it from wherever you want and whenever you want, without a time limit.
  3. Yes, without time limit. At your pace.
  4. Video Lessons.
  5. With a Diploma from the Spanish Association of Social Media Professionals.
  6. Job Board.
  7. Price for the complete course: €49. For all. No additional costs.
  8. You can pay in your local currency.

Module 1: Introduction to Social Media and web 2.0

What do we understand by Web 2.0 and Social Media.

Topics in Social Networks.

New 2.0 environments.

Evolution of Social Networks.

Customers on Social Networks.

Attitudes of Social Media professionals.

Tips for Community Managers.

Company 2.0: features and advantages.

Module 2: The professional profile of the Community Manager and functions

What is a community manager?

Online Public Relations

Functions of a Community Manager.

The 7 Cs of a Community Manager.

Crisis management and skills.

External and internal community manager.

Community Management Management.

Review of sources.

Promotion strategies.


Module 3: Branding 2.0

What is Personal Branding or Personal branding.

Netiquette and good practices on social networks.

Public relations on the Internet.

Some tips for networking 2.0.

Module 4: Marketing Strategies 2.0.

Create an effective website.

Social media marketing.

Social media landscape.

Types of social networks.

Campaign optimization.

KPI. Key Performance Indicator.

Actions and campaigns. A real example.

Module 5: Social Media Plan.

Social Network Strategy: The Social Media Plan.

Preparation of a Social Media Plan.


Communication Line.

How to write for the internet.

What a Community Manager should sell.

Tricks to make a good proposal to the client.

General conditions of our proposal. Points to include.


Module 6: Facebook

Fundamental facts about Facebook.

Basic concepts: elements that make up Facebook.

Profile: description and use. Tips.

Groups: description and use. Tips.

Fan pages: description and use. Creation and advice. Statistics

Applications: description and use. Tips.

Advertising: description and use. Tips.

Photos on Facebook.

Links on Facebook.

Status update or entry on Facebook.

Facebook pages, applications and tools.

Creating a Facebook page.

Initial Facebook Page Setup: Basic Information, Marketing, Applications, and Fan Page Statistics.

Which is an application for Facebook.

Interesting applications for your Facebook page.

Flow of creating an application for Facebook.

Application statistics.

Facebook on the web.

Free widgets to promote your Facebook page.

Practical examples of Facebook pages on the web.

Module 7: Twitter

Description of Twitter and its configuration. First steps.

Key words and symbols. Hashtag, RT, DM, FF.

Parts of Twitter and tabs.

The first steps.

Tips in Twitterland.

Good practices and netiquette on Twitter.

Hootsuite, a powerful ally for the Community Manager.

Multiple accounts and models.

How to respond on Twitter.

Hastags, searches and their good use.

Creation and management of Communities on Twitter.

Advanced search.

Expert tricks.

Management tools: Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and SocialBro.

Measurement and monitoring tools.

Module 8: Youtube

Objectives and Benefits of video marketing.

Main habits to develop for video recording.

How to get the most out of your smart phone.

Optimization of the YouTube channel.

Video analysis.

The Storytelling of the videos.

The five steps of YouTube marketing: Planning, recording, editing, uploading to YouTube and analyzing results.

Examples of success.

YouTube for Business example cases.

Module 9: Pinterest and Instagram

Pinterest: origin and shared content.

Pinterest: Invitation request and user profile.

Pinterest: Searches, interesting sectors and examples.

Instagram: Introduction and figures.

Instagram: Use by big brands, e.g. Starbucks and Nike.

Instagram: Use in fashion and communication.

Instagram: Good practices.

Instagram: Tools.

Module 10: Blogs

Platforms for creating blogs.

Blogs y Social Media.

Professional blogs.

Design, structure and customization with themes.

Blog content and promotion.

WordPress: .com y .org. Videotutoriales.

Module 11: LinkedIn

The most professional network.

Creation, customization and optimization of profiles.

Network of contacts and management of recommendations.

Professional use of groups.

Corporate strategies on Linked in.

Statistics and seo.

Tricks and use for business.

Module 12: Personal Brand

What is personal branding.

Why is it necessary for a Community Manager.

What to do and for whom.

Procedure: Design, development and management of your own brand.

Short, medium and long range.

Module 13: Geolocation and Social Networks

Introduction to Geolocation.

Geolocation: generation of maps, geopositioning and integrating information.

Positioning and web traffic. Use of mobile devices.

Geolocation and Social Networks: Benefits for Companies.

Augmented reality.

Tools and examples.

Module 14: Online Reputation

What is online reputation?

Process to manage Online Reputation.

How to respond to criticism.

What to do in the face of an online reputation crisis: protocols.

Practical cases.

Crisis management.

Module 15: SEO

SEO Basics

Module 16: Web Analytics

What is web analytics and what is it for?

Objectives and KPIs, definition.

Basic analysis with Google Analytics.

Online Surveys and AB Test.

Social Media Metrics and Reports generated by a Community Manager.

Module 17: Content Curation

Search for new content and relevant sources

Filtering and specific searches

Content formatting: optimization, editing and rewriting

Images and links

Tools and their use


Module 18: Profitability of Virtual Communities and Social Networks

Key aspects of profitability and main sources of income.

Value of a community, virtual communities and CRM.

New forms of relationship with the consumer in strategy.

The Crossumer and the Prossumer, a new consumer.

Advertising: effectiveness and response rate.

The community income statement.

Study cases.

Module 19: Electronic Commerce and Virtual Stores

Virtual stores: Types of electronic transactions (B2B, B2C, B2B2C).

How to structure a business on the internet. Forms of business: multi-brand stores, exclusive, outlet… Types of platforms.

Domain and server. Navigability and design. How to structure the electronic store.

Social Commerce.

Module 20: Inbound Marketing and Email Marketing/Conversion

Inbound Marketing y estrategia inbound

Optimization and conversion

Email marketing: what it is, objectives, creativity, subject line, from and from



AB Testing

Module 21: Productivity Tools

We will see various tools in depth one by one.

Module 22: SEM

Module A: Key concepts

  • Google Adwords Basics
  • Before starting an Adwords campaign

Module B: First campaign

  • Creating an Adwords account
  • Creating and configuring a campaign
  • Billing and account activation

Module C: Adwords Structure

  • Basic AdWords Structure
  • AdWords Navigation

Module D: Adwords Structure

  • Keyword Targeting
  • AdWords Text Ads
  • AdWords display ads
  • Rich media display ads
  • AdWords Mobile Ads

Module E: Performance Optimization

  • Introduction to optimization
  • Optimizing ad groups, keywords, and ads
  • Website Optimization

Module F: Facebook Ads

  • Overview facebok ads
  • Management of Facebook advertising accounts
  • Campaign management
  • Ad formats
  • Guidelines and optimization of formats
  • Images that seduce
  • How to write Facebook ads that seduce.
  • Targeting
  • Goal control
  • Off-facebook strategies with facebook ads

Module 23: Advertising on Twitter



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