80% of companies will adopt generative AI by 2026, according to TI Garner. Until then, we can only understand how this entire apparatus will become relevant to the needs of big brands and how this trend will translate into sales results and ROI.

And how will this evolve throughout 2024?

From a marketing and advertising point of view, the discussion revolves around the possibility of scaling communication in an increasingly plural universe of digital channels and for increasingly specific audiences. In this sense, given Artificial Intelligence’s ability to generate new content and contexts based on pre-defined commands or actions, Generative AI is the hot ticket.

Specifically talking about marketing, the tool brings to the horizon its ability to create, qualify and optimize entire campaigns, practically in real time, which will substantially promote optimizations in the production process and also more efficient communications, capable of performing dozens of times better than today.

From an advertising point of view, there will be an impact, probably unprecedented, on the production and communication chain, in which essential roles, which have been merged in recent decades between creation and business intelligence, will be optimized – if not replaced, to a large extent, by Artificial intelligence.

However, from the moment we look at it from the point of view of an industry or large brand, we have to understand how these solutions behave considering a series of factors that go beyond an individualized environment, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) , compliance, corporate governance, validity of use, brand book, brand guidelines and the segment in which it operates.

The challenges to be faced

Generative AI doesn’t work out of thin air. It needs a historical basis, capable of being understood and interpreted, so that, later, in another phase, it can perform its role as “creator”.

In this context, in line with the rise of this trend that promises to have a strong impact on the sector, there is also concern about the risks caused to data security, privacy and copyright, in addition to the reproduction of preconceptions, with the use of a general database.

In this scenario, it is possible to create Balenciaga’s pope, but trying to create the pope with the new Flamengo t-shirt or a Havaianas from the new collection becomes a challenge for Artificial Intelligence if it does not have a structured, classified and qualified historical basis of the brand – whether from past campaigns, posts or any other type of communication material.

Therefore, one of the biggest challenges for this new wave of generative AI, in addition to ethical issues, is the ability to specialize in learning according to the brand’s context.

Assertiveness: DAM as a database

Given this, a digital asset management (DAM) platform is not only essential for organizing a company’s digital mess, but it also plays a fundamental role in creating a qualified historical collection that brings together enough knowledge for Generative AI be accurate in the ability to create new materials, without needing to drink from other sources.

In a generalist way, today, this technology has already been used for a series of possibilities and resources that add individualized functions, such as specific creations of images, videos and audios, which has been contributing to the creation of content, mainly on social networks. Now, the next step is to go further.

The optimization of time and money in the production of new content will be seen by some as a threat, but by a large part of the market, as good news, in addition to the expectation that communication will become more accurate. If before the expression “continuous improvement” was something very specific to the technology area, now it also makes a lot of sense in the communications and marketing sector.

Creating, adapting and personalizing content in real time is already a quantitative leap in communication strategies. Despite the challenges, collaboration between advanced technologies and tools like DAM points to a much more favorable scenario, in which efficiency and authenticity go hand in hand.

Transformation in advertising agencies and global brand strategies is inevitable, and those who embrace Generative AI with a deep understanding of its potential will reap the rewards of innovation and effectiveness. Thus, Generative Artificial Intelligence is not just a future promise, but a present and transformative force in the world of communication and marketing.

*Adalberto Generoso is co-founder and CEO of Yapoli, the main reference in digital asset management in Brazil, one of the 100 Startups To Watch 2022 by Pequenas Empresas & Grandes Negócios, Featured Startup of the year by Darwin Startups and TOP 6 Martechs by 100 Open Startups. He is a serial entrepreneur and has more than 10 years of experience from marketing to digital. He has already won 3 Cannes Lions and 10 more international digital advertising awards. He was one of the creators of GuiaBolso and former partner and CMO of Cheftime, a foodtech acquired in 2019 by GPA. In addition, he is a marketing, technology and growth mentor for companies and acts as a speaker for the Digital Marketing course class at USP’s Tech Entrepreneurship Center.

Source: https://www.mundodomarketing.com.br/como-a-ia-generativa-vai-influenciar-o-marketing-em-2024/

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