In it Marketing Online The term ‘lead’ is used a lot. However, I am not sure that everyone immediately understands what a lead is, so I will explain it.

It generates a lead every time a user offers their data through a channel, such as a Facebook page, blog, Twitter, Linkedin or a web page among others. Of course, a user must obtain something in return, such as participation in a contestthe obtaining a service o producthe access still content how can it be a E-book o one tutorial and even one subscription. For this reason it is very important offer quality in exchange for a lead, What good content can be like.

A user who fills in their data and sends it through a landing page in which partial information is offered about a product or service, which is completed if the user requests it through a form, it is also generating a lead. And if we also combine this campaign with advertising on other blogs in our same sector, we use the Google Adwordswe make a mailing and we also publish it in the social networks– All received forms become leads.

Leads are the data generators of our clients and the first step towards a sale. Many companies measure the cases in which the lead ends in a sale with percentages, so for example if we have obtained 100 leads and 7 have ended in a sale, it appears that they have had a 7% conversion.

The conversion is therefore the number of people who have generated a lead (filled out a form with their data) who have ended up purchasing a product or service.

Likewise, the cost per lead is obtained by dividing the advertising investment by the total number of leads that have been obtained.

CPL= Advertising investment/Total leads

Las social networks offer enormous potential for lead captures of quality at an interesting cost, using for example the Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin ads. This will help you convert them into customers through marketing actions such as email marketing.

Tactics to get quality leads on social networks


  • Post a link to your company profile. Create an exclusive landing page for your target audience and for Twitter with the aim of generating leads. Ensure good content through your brand’s blog, contests, etc., and define well what the company does in addition to emphasizing what differentiates your brand from others.
  • Use hashtags to mark content and actions.


  • Use tools like Easypromos and easily create contests on your fan page, always offering something of value in exchange for the data of your brand’s followers.
  • Create an exclusive landing page for the followers of the page where fans land and where they can download interesting content for free in exchange for their email, for example.
  • Use Facebook Ads with good text and image and without forgetting a clear call to action while offering a free subscription or a free e-book, for example.


  • Starting from the idea that you generate interaction, trust and stay active on this social network by disseminating interesting content and commenting, share a link that takes users to a landing page, created exclusively for this social network and for your target audience and offering valuable content such as a mini-course, or a webinar.
  • Use Linkedin ads since their segmentation capacity is quite good, which means that the probability of reaching your target audience is high.

Don’t forget that:

  • The blog is essential for your brand if you want to generate leads, the more content you publish on it, the more leads you will generate.
  • The more followers you have on Twitter, Fans on Facebook or contacts on Linkedin, the more leads you can get.

Any more ideas to get quality leads? Thanks for sharing!

Via: Passionate about Social Networks


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