Given the competitive Brazilian business scenario, companies are increasingly investing in communication and marketing actions. The objective in this sense is to stand out in the market, winning over more consumers and expanding the brand’s presence.

With the growing influence of the internet and social networks, many companies have directed a significant part of their resources to digital marketing strategies. They have mainly invested in initiatives that allow real-time analysis, enabling quick and targeted adjustments, increasingly enhancing results.

To give you an idea about the large investments in the marketing area, the report The Voice of the Marketer 2024, launched in December 2023 by the consultancy Warc, heard more than 1,400 professionals around the world and found that 61% of respondents are optimistic and expect business to be better this year compared to 2023. Another fact is the global application in the segment, expected to increase 8.2% in 2024, reaching US$ 1 trillion.

In the consortium sector, which is increasingly stronger in the Brazilian economy, the upward movement is the same, as companies have expanded their teams and investments in marketing. In return, the differentiated strategies to reach their target audiences – whether through the promotion and sponsorship of major events, creation of institutional campaigns, partnerships with marketing agencies and participation in entertainment actions, such as reality shows – significantly increased their visibility in society.

If we consider the advancement of technology, with the launch of AI tools and the increased use of the internet in online marketing, the need for companies in the digital environment to reach their consumers and stand out in the market is clear. Therefore, we can conclude that investment in communication and marketing will only grow in all directions.

Acting with innovation, especially in a disruptive way, becomes essential for all companies that seek to follow a path of evolution and success in 2024. It is worth remembering that everything changes all the time, and the search for new paths needs to be continuous in the world in which we live.

*Tatiana Schuchovsky Reichmann is CEO of Ademicon.


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